To Pee or Not to Pee

Haha nice work. Still wondering why he unearthed a thread from 2015 about Pee just minutes after joining. Couldn't he have posted his link in any thread if he was just looking for traffic? Some weirdos out there . . .

This thread must rank high on Google for some "pee" related keywords that he (or she) wants their site to also rank for such as "bottled urine" or something so they (shim, herm, etc) definitely made the account specifically to post here with that linkback.

Mods already removed it though so hat's off to them!

Now I just need my bloodtrailing skills to get on this level...
Great question as I've often wondered the same. I typically try and pee before getting close or pee in water but it's interesting to read about whitetail hunters peeing in scrapes
I pee in scrapes all the time. I heard about people doing it. So I found a scrape line while at work on a job. So every morning id go pee in the scrapes. Then the next morning i would go back to pee in it and it would be worked again. So now I just pee in scrapes all the time
Dude just go take a piss, I promise that your success doesn’t hinge on if you take a piss in the woods or not
I was made a believer of pissing in scrapes or straight off your stand just last week while checking cams and putting up a reveal I had to piss so bad I said what the hell this is the perfect time to test this theory.... we’ll hand to god I’ve gotten more pics of deer (bucks specifically) in the last week then ever before!

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Pee wherever u want. Never seen a deer care. I pee in scrapes and have had buck rip em up shortly afterwards.

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Friend of mine made a believer out of me. He guaranteed if I’d make a mock scrape and pee in it that in less than 24 hours I’d have a buck on camera. I tried and was right so I’ve been doing it ever since.
Totally against all I have been told, so if peeing isn't a thing why is scent such an issue ?
Pee on a scrape maybe ? but I can.t see coffee drinking, soda sipping Beer chugging,
whisky swelling pee could smell anything like deer piss ?
I think I will keep my pee bottle
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