Tips for backcountry with a muzzleloader

Apr 4, 2024
So I love packing in to public land to do 5-8 day hunting trips with my center fire for deer and elk out west, but at home in Ohio I love to deer hunt with a muzzleloader. In a perfect world I could combine the two passions.

However, I’m skeptical to take a muzzleloader on a backcountry elk hunt in the west because I am not sure how it will fare on a trip like that. So I am asking all of you: What are your tips and tricks for backcountry hunting with a muzzleloader?

How do you ensure your powder stays dry enough? Do you unload at night and reload with fresh powder every morning? What do you put primers in to keep them as dry as possible? Is it worth even trying to take a muzzleloader unless the season requires it?

Thanks in advance
We have a seven day muzzleloader season at the beginning of October for elk. I generally just tape the end of the barrel like I do with my rifle if it’s going to be wet. We run the same powder all week unless someone hasn’t taped and it gets wet. We can run the 209 primers so I just pull that out when not hunting. We sometimes catch the end of the rut, depending on when it hits, but not often. Still a fun time to get out and not quite as hot as archery season.
I’ve got a cow tag this year in Wyoming and we are going out November 1 until we get one or the wife tells me I have to come home. Realistically I have plenty of time to bring a muzzy, try it and if need be hike back to the truck and grab my 308 if it isn’t working out.

There is something about shooting an elk with a muzzleloader that fascinates me
On one particular trip we took muzzleloaders over 12 miles into the back country. 4 shots were fired with zero problems. We loaded plastic vials with pre-measured powder, bullets and primers. I think we packed 8 charges apiece. We loaded our first charge once camp was made. We kept them dry by using gun slickers. Never had a problem.
So I love packing in to public land to do 5-8 day hunting trips with my center fire for deer and elk out west, but at home in Ohio I love to deer hunt with a muzzleloader. In a perfect world I could combine the two passions.

However, I’m skeptical to take a muzzleloader on a backcountry elk hunt in the west because I am not sure how it will fare on a trip like that. So I am asking all of you: What are your tips and tricks for backcountry hunting with a muzzleloader?

How do you ensure your powder stays dry enough? Do you unload at night and reload with fresh powder every morning? What do you put primers in to keep them as dry as possible? Is it worth even trying to take a muzzleloader unless the season requires it?

Thanks in advance
My muzz season runs from the end of November to December, and keeping things dry can be difficult. All my speed loaders are carried in a plastic bag inside my bino harness; I have two musket cap holders, one around my neck but tucked between layers. The other is in a plastic bag stashed in the bino harness. Once loaded, I have a muzzle condom on. I don't put a musket cap on until I see fresh sign, an animal, etc., and I keep a piece of waterproof fabric covering my nipple under the hammer. My biggest issue has been caps not going off, but depending on how much moisture I have been in, I may use a CO2 unloader to push the bullet out at the end of the day so I can reuse it.
I barely have any experience but I had a fairly miserable hunt last December with my flintlock. White out for the first two days. Fired successful shot on day three. I left it loaded the whole time. Carried everything I needed to clean the gun and all my reloads in ziplocks. And I made a gun sock out of sylnylon that covered down just past the action. It had a draw cord to keep it tight but was pretty quick to slide off if needed.
In Wyoming I’m able to use 209 primers, an inline, etc so Its probably closer to a rifle than I’m giving it credit for. I think I’m just struggling with the thought of “handicapping” myself with a muzzy on a trip like this, but I guess that is where the true adventure is

Maybe one day I’ll be man enough to take out a side lock with a PRB lol
Don't over think it. Lots of options to keep things dry, just do what works for your setup and have backup plans for extreme weather. I usually tape my barrel and around my breach plug when not hunting (I'm in Idaho, so the cap has to be exposed when hunting). I have plenty of speed loaders in multiple locations in my bino harness and pack, some of which are in ziplocs bags and even double bagged if bad weather is expected. Bring small tool kit applicable to your gun and a way to clean and dry it if needed. If you want to get hardcore on packability you can throw a folding stock on an already short muzzy, like I did.

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Don't over think it. Lots of options to keep things dry, just do what works for your setup and have backup plans for extreme weather. I usually tape my barrel and around my breach plug when not hunting (I'm in Idaho, so the cap has to be exposed when hunting). I have plenty of speed loaders in multiple locations in my bino harness and pack, some of which are in ziplocs bags and even double bagged if bad weather is expected. Bring small tool kit applicable to your gun and a way to clean and dry it if needed. If you want to get hardcore on packability you can throw a folding stock on an already short muzzy, like I did.

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That is a wicked setup! What stock is that?
Don't over think it. Lots of options to keep things dry, just do what works for your setup and have backup plans for extreme weather. I usually tape my barrel and around my breach plug when not hunting (I'm in Idaho, so the cap has to be exposed when hunting). I have plenty of speed loaders in multiple locations in my bino harness and pack, some of which are in ziplocs bags and even double bagged if bad weather is expected. Bring small tool kit applicable to your gun and a way to clean and dry it if needed. If you want to get hardcore on packability you can throw a folding stock on an already short muzzy, like I did.

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Is there any rattling/noise or movement with that stock setup?
Don't overthink it, my brother. Here in the west slope of CO we have a 9 day Sept. elk muzzy season. Never had a hang fire even though temps can vary widely day to day, day to night, elevation changes, and weather patterns. Taping the muzzle with electrical tape keeps debris and light rain from contaminating your powder. With regards to the backcountry, avoid exposing your weapon to fluctuating temp by leaving your weapon in the vestibule area. Condensation from exhalation in a tent will spoil your powder.
If you want to get hardcore on packability you can throw a folding stock on an already short muzzy, like I did.

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Which stock is that? I like

We have the cva accura mrx and it brakes down to 2 stock parts and barrel quickly and fits in pack.

We've hunted the CO season the last two years, but haven't stayed overnight with rain. I would just throw a ziploc baggie over the end with a hair band or electric tape.
If any doubts on moisture, just reload. I usually have a couple TC reloaders in pockets, a couple of the regular plastic tubes convenient in pack and another 4-6 ziplocked in pack.
Also have primers in one of the rubber things (square one) below tied onto paracord like a necklace.
That is a wicked setup! What stock is that?
Spent too much, but I couldn't resist doing it just for fun and packability. Folds to under 29". It fits amazing on the handlebars of my Honda 230.

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Is there any rattling/noise or movement with that stock setup?
No rattle. Folding mech has no play. The adjustable recoil pad has some slight movement on the buttstock when you push/pull on it, but not noticeable when shouldered and shot. Since it's only 1 shot at a time, zero concern. If it was on an actual AR or any semiauto for that matter, I'd be worried that you would feel that play between each recoil of the shot. Maybe not, as long as you are keeping it fairly tight to the shoulder. I don't plan to find out. I'm not an AR guy.

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Don't overthink it, my brother. Here in the west slope of CO we have a 9 day Sept. elk muzzy season. Never had a hang fire even though temps can vary widely day to day, day to night, elevation changes, and weather patterns. Taping the muzzle with electrical tape keeps debris and light rain from contaminating your powder. With regards to the backcountry, avoid exposing your weapon to fluctuating temp by leaving your weapon in the vestibule area. Condensation from exhalation in a tent will spoil your powder.
I had this same issue from leaving my muzzy in my tent when I slept. Condensation got to the powder and it made my breech plug almost impossible to unscrew… So leaving it out of the tent is the way to go?
I had this same issue from leaving my muzzy in my tent when I slept. Condensation got to the powder and it made my breech plug almost impossible to unscrew… So leaving it out of the tent is the way to go?
I've got a durston x mid, so I just put it under the vestibule and no issue
Don't over think it. Lots of options to keep things dry, just do what works for your setup and have backup plans for extreme weather. I usually tape my barrel and around my breach plug when not hunting (I'm in Idaho, so the cap has to be exposed when hunting). I have plenty of speed loaders in multiple locations in my bino harness and pack, some of which are in ziplocs bags and even double bagged if bad weather is expected. Bring small tool kit applicable to your gun and a way to clean and dry it if needed. If you want to get hardcore on packability you can throw a folding stock on an already short muzzy, like I did.

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All I can think of is "That's the REAL Tony Montana, right there!"
