I'm a fan of traditional muzzleloaders and patched roundball in slow twist barrels. Yes, I'll admit the hypocrisy of using a compound bow during archery but preferring the muzzleloader season stay traditional.
A good traditional muzzleloader can be very accurate with patched roundballs and real black powder. The caveat to that is that the shooter must be capable and willing to use a quality muzzleloader and do the homework to match the ball, patch, and powder charge to the muzzleloader.
It can be fun and it does have limitations. One of my happiest hunting memories in recent years was killing a mountain buck at 75 yard's with a .58 caliber Hawken, hand built by my uncle just a few weeks before he died. He'd given it to me and it had not been used for over 30 years. But it shot well and was the source of many hours of phone conversation after he received the photo. I've killed a lot of deer, but few have generated that much excitement as this one did. To top it all off, the meat was donated to a local family who needed it for the winter and their daughter now hunts to collect meat for the family!
The pleasure of hearing the joy in that old man's voice for days and how proud he was of the rifle and me still makes me smile. He died of natural causes a few weeks later, I miss him s lot abdicate that rifle reminds me of him every time I see it.
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