This summer I was playing with different scenarios with my shot timer. Starting with everything packed as it would be hiking, with my rifle in my gun bearer, I was averaging 25-30 seconds to get tripod setup in a kneeling position, clipped into my anvil head, and a shot off. I was shooting 3" target stickers, and anything outside of that sticker was a fail, so some of my time was eaten by my trigger press. This is with quite a bit of live and dry fire practice managing gear and knowing exactly where everything on my pack is and how to get what I need setup with no wasted time/movement.
@mxgsfmdpx I am curious about your 5 second time, is this a "par time" with a shot timer, or just an example number of "fast"? Just want to make sure I understand what you're saying, because 5 seconds is incredibly fast to get a shot off if you're having to manipulate anything other than your rifle for an offhand shot.