Time for a member re-introduction! Where are you from+a fun fact about yourself.

Ashland, OR.

Fun Fact: I don't drink coffee and have never even had more than a small sip. No reason other than I don't care for the taste.
I'll say generally living in Kansas City metro, currently Parkville, MO.

Fun fact: I peed next to Rudy Giuliani (one urinal over and his body guard stood watch)

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Modesto ca

Spent 100+ days on the water every year for years chasing bass and tournament$$ before becoming addicted to being a dreadful hunter
Tri cities Wa.

Fun fact I have run 2 50k ultra marathons and training for a 50 miler in March
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Hey all - long time, first time.

Very new hunter of only two years and strangely, social media had nothing to do with it.

Split my time between NYC and the Catskills, where I write about fly fishing. (Iceland article in the last Flyfish Journal and one currently on hatchmag.com on why I don't tie flies called, "Little Black Shit".)

Fun fact:
won the Canadian Association of Aquarium Clubs award for the Best African Mouthbrooding Cichlid under 4".
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From Southern Appalachia, live in the Northern Rockies. I’ve spent way more time in the Rockies than Appalachia but Appalachia seems to define me.

Fun fact: My original accent was some mixture of a twang and a drawl, but a little more twangy than drawly. I think my accent is pretty washed out for the most part but it starts coming back again when I visit the kinfolks.
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