Time for a member re-introduction! Where are you from+a fun fact about yourself.

Indianpolis, IN

These have been fun to read. My fun fact is that I don’t know anyone in my family (both sides) or in my wife’s family (both sides) who hunts. As a kid, I always had an unexplainable desire to do so. Finally, as a junior in college a friend I made there took me deer hunting. We’ve since stood in each other’s weddings, and I have been hooked ever since. Still suck at it, but love chasing whitetail with a bow as well as spring turkeys. I process all my own game and feed my wife and two daughters with as much of it as I can harvest. Working on figuring out the puzzle that is Western tag applications now with a goal to chase elk every few years.

Get your girls hunting!

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Tri cities Wa.

Fun fact I have run 2 50k ultra marathons and training for a 50 miler in March

Whoa. That’s badass. I’ve done 3 half-marathons and have 2 coming up, but I would use the word ‘training’ in very loose terms for how I prepare.

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Whoa. That’s badass. I’ve done 3 half-marathons and have 2 coming up, but I would use the word ‘training’ in very loose terms for how I prepare.

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Well the 50 miler (March 25th) is fast approaching and my “training” has not been ideal! An it band injury set back and then Covid a couple weeks ago have me lagging behind but I’m going for it!
Coon Rapids, Iowa

Fun fact: my daughters are both nationally ranked Olympic weightlifters. My youngest finished 3rd in the country at her first U13 nationals and came back and won the national championship the following year. My oldest finished 3rd in the country as a 15 year old and 4th as a 16 year old. Both are working hard to stand on the podium again at USAW youth nationals this June in Las Vegas.

My oldest is going on her first elk hunt this fall.
Littleton, CO

I’ve rounded up Buffalo on foot. It was wild.


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Twin Cities area Minnesota.

I can solve a Rubik’s cube in under 30 seconds (which is actually slow in the cubing community) personal best is just over 16 seconds.
Coon Rapids, Iowa

Fun fact: my daughters are both nationally ranked Olympic weightlifters. My youngest finished 3rd in the country at her first U13 nationals and came back and won the national championship the following year. My oldest finished 3rd in the country as a 15 year old and 4th as a 16 year old. Both are working hard to stand on the podium again at USAW youth nationals this June in Las Vegas.

My oldest is going on her first elk hunt this fall.
How did you go about getting your daughters started in weightlifting? I’m a big fan of the sport and would love to get my kids in it if they expressed any interest, when I have some haha
How did you go about getting your daughters started in weightlifting? I’m a big fan of the sport and would love to get my kids in it if they expressed any interest, when I have some haha
We were incredibly fortunate to have one of the best weightlifting coaches in the country in our area. My girls started weightlifting at age 12 initially to get stronger and more explosive for softball and volleyball. In a short time however, it became apparent they were both very talented weightlifters, and most importantly they fell in love with the sport. They both decided not to pursue softball any longer once they got into high school, but do still play volleyball.

We drive about 50 miles round trip 4x weekly to train in Carroll, IA at North Highland Weightlifting club. Their workouts last around 2 hours. You can find videos posted by our coach @GregKustra on Facebook.

There are some great clubs in the NW and especially in California. A lot of kids that want to get into the sport that don't have a coach within a reasonable drive do online coaching. However, there are a lot of "fly by nighters" that don't have the credentials, USAW certifications, or experience to effectively coach a kid in this sport. The snatch and clean and jerk are very technical lifts, and it's crucial that whatever coach you choose focuses on perfecting technique and safety before just trying to hit big weights. If you search for USAW coaches in Idaho, you should get a few hits. Like anything else, check references first before signing up.
I grew up in Council, Id. I live in Emmett now.
Fun fact: I’m a failed musician, that chose hard physical labor instead 🤣
We were incredibly fortunate to have one of the best weightlifting coaches in the country in our area. My girls started weightlifting at age 12 initially to get stronger and more explosive for softball and volleyball. In a short time however, it became apparent they were both very talented weightlifters, and most importantly they fell in love with the sport. They both decided not to pursue softball any longer once they got into high school, but do still play volleyball.

We drive about 50 miles round trip 4x weekly to train in Carroll, IA at North Highland Weightlifting club. Their workouts last around 2 hours. You can find videos posted by our coach @GregKustra on Facebook.

There are some great clubs in the NW and especially in California. A lot of kids that want to get into the sport that don't have a coach within a reasonable drive do online coaching. However, there are a lot of "fly by nighters" that don't have the credentials, USAW certifications, or experience to effectively coach a kid in this sport. The snatch and clean and jerk are very technical lifts, and it's crucial that whatever coach you choose focuses on perfecting technique and safety before just trying to hit big weights. If you search for USAW coaches in Idaho, you should get a few hits. Like anything else, check references first before signing up.
Thanks for the advice, I’m unaware of any coaches in the area but I really haven’t done much digging. Wish I would have taken interest in it and tracked down a coach when I was younger