Time for a member re-introduction! Where are you from+a fun fact about yourself.

I was born and raised in the St. Louis (County) area of MO, have lived there all my life except while away at college and grad school. Wife and I now live in the southwest part of that metro area.

Fun(ny) fact/story: About 15 years ago I was mistaken for Ozzie Smith, baseball Hall of Famer. (noteworthy: I'm white and he's not!) This was probably 10 years after he retired. Anyway, I was at a high school basketball game watching my nephew play. Ozzie's son was on my nephew's team and Ozzie was sitting a few rows below us. At halftime a lot of folks, including Ozzie, got up to go to concession stand or bathroom, or whatever. Wife and I are sitting in the bleachers and a young kid, maybe 6 or 7, comes climbing up into the stands, right to me. He hands me this piece of paper and says, "Mr. Smith, can I have your autograph?" Wife and I cracked up and I had to tell him that no, I wasn't Ozzie Smith. He walked back over to the other side of the gym and sat down by I guess, his dad. I guess probably earlier during the game his dad pointed over to Ozzie on our side and said go get his autograph at halftime and the kid didn't realize Ozzie had left by the time he got over to my side.

I still chuckle about that to this day! (Note, I was a pretty good shortstop myself in baseball then softball back in the day, but not an all-time great like Ozzie, LOL!)

Fun Fact: I am really scared of hights, but I even more scared of that voice inside my head that tells me, Jump Jump don't be a sissy.
Ah.. valla... "Guate-linda!" My first wife was from there. Vacay'd there once and stayed at her older sisters place in San Pedro Ayumpuc, that one already had a family and thus didn't immigrate to the states. We also went to the ruins at Tikal as well.

Every Human on the planet needs to experience being in the Rainforest like in Tikal in Los Flores! You just instinctively know THAT is where you're SUPPOSED to be living at. Not this concrete jungle we have here.

Climb on top of the ruins.... and you look out.... in all directions.... nothing but tree-tops literally as far as they eye can see! You can smell the ground you're walking on. You smell the "green" in the air!

Hehe... I would say though that if you're an alcoholic... Guatemala City might not be the best destination for ya though. Even all the faster-food joints like their "Pollo Campero" (kinda like the Pioneer Chicken chain we used to have here) sold personal sized liquor bottles if you want (Ron Botran, their countries main rum brand... and a couple other staples of that areas drinkers). There's access to liquor freakin everywhere over there.

Also we went out to dance one night and ended up going to a Tony Roma's (of all places) down there and OMG it was going-off and was uber-packed!! YA know how we have maximum occupancy laws here? Yeah... over there? Eek... not soo much. While were in that Tony Roma's.... there also was a second floor area that wrapped around the perimeter of the first floors main dance floor area they cleared out for the weekend after hours dancing. And I told my wife of that era "Don't go underneath that 2nd floor level, that damn thing just might collapse tonight."
You really make me smile today, specially with your ¨ Ah... Valla..." you forgot Si Pueesss What you are saying is so true, Guatemala is kind of special, it has so many dissonant things but at the same time, it offers incredible vistas and palaces to visit. Something I really like is that it does not matter where you go usually you will find that Guatemalans are cordial and friendly and they treat you with a smile in their face.

I had the opportunity to study abroad the thought of staying in the USA never crossed my mind. Also I think we have great weather. Did you had a chance to Visit lake Atitlan, or climbed any volcanoes?

If I you come back, maybe we can have some Ron Botran in Pollo Campero. I bet that would be fun, I did not know that, It should be illegal or something but you perfectly know how things work in Guate.

I found this site because of the binocular reviews, I love birdwatching, I am really enjoying the forums and I seem to be spending a lot of time perusing around . Thank you so much for your reply.

Kind regards
We stayed at the Westin in Los Flores, which is right there upon Atitlan. The water was interesting, apparently it was high in minerals or something. It felt smooth and milky in your hand and made your skin feel good. Sorta like lotion.

On another days outing we'd also checked out Lake Peten. It's a shame the difference between those two lakes. Lake Peten grossed me out. Obviously we didn't see the whole lake, but the part I did see was green on top from Algae. I dunno if that's a normal thing that happens at some places or not, but I remember seeing the locals prepping fish and thinking to myself "No Spank You!" at the thought of eating a fish pulled from that particular area.

So yeah... the Ex... they fled to America because at the time, College students were getting loud about the corruption that was going on holding protests... and the govt was actively targeting these kids to take them out. So the parents sold all their sh*t and quickly hired a coyote to take them across the border thru Mexico and again across the border into the US.

I encourage anyone reading this to ask somebody who came here illegally to tell them the story of how that all went down.

At wherever they crossed into the US... they had to wait until nightfall... then... they had to crawl thru a sewer tube that was just big enough to fit a human crawling on all fours. Crawling thru sewage and feces, and rats... a tunnel that's so long once they were in it they got to a section of complete darkness for a bit... before they finally reached other side.

Then... running down a hillside... her Father falling several times while running down the hill... the coyotes yelling at them all not to look up at the helicopters lest they see the reflection in their retinas (I think this was before thermal vision tech was employed).

Getting fake Social Security cards/numbers... never filing taxes for fear "la migra" would get them... working sh*t jobs since you're in this new country and don't speak the lingo.

Fast fwd she meets me. We get married. Then lil 19yo me has to deal with all the process of getting her legalized, which includes flying back to country of origin and going to that consolate, so that she can be officially recognized as legally emigrating from there. Which requires some medical checks as well. Thankfully that one older sister had stayed behind. Woulda been no way I could have afford a plane ticket for her and room and board over there during all that process. Then finally back over... then the multiple various trips to DTLA (DownTown Los Angeles for those not in the know) at butt-thirty in the morning and seeing that HUGE long line of people. And eventually.. some years later... attending her swearing in ceremony!

I strongly urge every American to attend a swearing in ceremony.
Born in Maine and currently living in Eagle River Alaska.

Fun fact: I once stood close enough to a live sow grizzly that I could have patted her on the head and without any kind of weapon in reach.
I was born and raised in the St. Louis (County) area of MO, have lived there all my life except while away at college and grad school. Wife and I now live in the southwest part of that metro area.

Fun(ny) fact/story: About 15 years ago I was mistaken for Ozzie Smith, baseball Hall of Famer. (noteworthy: I'm white and he's not!) This was probably 10 years after he retired. Anyway, I was at a high school basketball game watching my nephew play. Ozzie's son was on my nephew's team and Ozzie was sitting a few rows below us. At halftime a lot of folks, including Ozzie, got up to go to concession stand or bathroom, or whatever. Wife and I are sitting in the bleachers and a young kid, maybe 6 or 7, comes climbing up into the stands, right to me. He hands me this piece of paper and says, "Mr. Smith, can I have your autograph?" Wife and I cracked up and I had to tell him that no, I wasn't Ozzie Smith. He walked back over to the other side of the gym and sat down by I guess, his dad. I guess probably earlier during the game his dad pointed over to Ozzie on our side and said go get his autograph at halftime and the kid didn't realize Ozzie had left by the time he got over to my side.

I still chuckle about that to this day! (Note, I was a pretty good shortstop myself in baseball then softball back in the day, but not an all-time great like Ozzie, LOL!)

Go cards!!!!

That's pretty awesome. Love STL... Great city.
SOUTHERN Illinois.

Grew up in Centralia, lived my last few years there in murphysboro.

Fun fact: one of the first times I got to go hunting with my dad, 3rd grade I think, I pissed in my coveralls underneath the treestand because I couldn't get it out fast enough haha
Plains Montana. It's in the northwest and all mountains 🤷‍♂️
When I was 13 (2001) I drew a late season elk hunt in Gardiner and the RMEF and outdoor channel wanted to film it. So when the episode comes out they use the hunt to compare it to another apex predator and why they are needed to control elk populations in yellowstone. 🤦‍♂️ It wasn't but a couple years later there were no more late season tags.
You really make me smile today, specially with your ¨ Ah... Valla..." you forgot Si Pueesss What you are saying is so true, Guatemala is kind of special, it has so many dissonant things but at the same time, it offers incredible vistas and palaces to visit. Something I really like is that it does not matter where you go usually you will find that Guatemalans are cordial and friendly and they treat you with a smile in their face.

I had the opportunity to study abroad the thought of staying in the USA never crossed my mind. Also I think we have great weather. Did you had a chance to Visit lake Atitlan, or climbed any volcanoes?

If I you come back, maybe we can have some Ron Botran in Pollo Campero. ...

Kind regards

Make it Ron Zacapa Centenerio and I will join you both.

Fyi, (in true Guatemalan form) my CURRENT wife is from Jalapa. Yes I have been to Lake Atitlan, Hawaii, and sooooo many other places. I am way overdue to go back.
It was a rough time with the nazis and brown bears but we managed to survive by listening to slayer and drinking tequila. The mower would break down from time to time causing great distress from the group. Chaos would ensue with many wondering the grounds aimlessly, wounded and confused. Usually Sanchez would arrive at the right time with plenty of Tequila and explosives and we would all laugh off the bad times and resume the lawn care. Tough job but very good life experience.
Madras, OR

Fun fact:
4 yrs ago, After losing my Dad, I lost 100# and went on my first backcountry elk hunt after being “pestered” by my beat friend for 10 yrs.

One of my best life accomplishments… thank you, Kip

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Madras, OR

Fun fact:
4 yrs ago, After losing my Dad, I lost 100# and went on my first backcountry elk hunt after being “pestered” by my beat friend for 10 yrs.

One of my best life accomplishments… thank you, Kip
Congratulations and putting in the work to lose the weight man. I'm gonna have to put in the work again once I get my back fixed. Lotta people who aren't curse with bodies that can put on weight uber fast just don't know the struggle.

When I met my current (and final) wife, the mother of my son, I was about 40 Lbs lighter. HAd Abs and err'thang! But whooo..man... it took work! I was up to TWO workouts a day! BOTH over 2 hrs each. Drink only water, (though allowed myself to drink when at a club dancing), ate 6 meals a day no bigger than size of fist. Cooked all my meals, etc.
I'm from NW Louisiana and I took up boxing, at 52 years of age and found that I'm pretty good at it and wish I'd done it a very long time ago.