Oh yes, the infamous scope that loses zero in its padded case inside your truck. I call bull***, but that’s just me. As far as an emotional response, nah, no reason for emotion. I’ve put 2 of the scopeS through significantly more real world situations without issue, but hey, you’re right. I didn’t drop them in the snow from 6”, but they did ride around in the back of my truck…without a case!!! And guess what, still held zero. I know. Shocking.
As far as your ballistics comments, I’ll just leave this here. I have no reason to argue, it’s just hard when I see some of the ridiculous stuff you post as the self appointed expert of all things rokslide. And as you said, I saw a lot of stuff you posted in the past that seemed logical, and you didn’t come across as a complete know it all, maybe it’s the fancy new title.
And once again it’s the Internet go to when arguing with somebody… “Your argument is all about emotion!” But of course yours isn’t right? Oh and I have a 6.5cm if that gives me validity somehow.
I’ll leave the last word to you because you’ll get it no matter what! But I’ll just leave these here. Tell me again how at 800 yards these two bullets are basically the same. Oh wait, your example doesn’t even hit the minimum fps for expansion per the manufacturer. Tell me that doesn’t matter what either… It’s honestly hard to believe that this is even an argument. SMH