Tikka T3 too light

Can any level of hearing protection account for potential damaging effects of the concussive blast a brake produces?

Yes they can. Plugs and muffs do a good job. But, brakes suck. Suppressors at the way. I can all but guarantee that the only reason you think suppressors aren’t the way, is because you haven’t used them or gotten used to the way they look. No one would accept a car for normal use that didn’t have a muffler. The same is true for a suppressor, and if they weren’t regulated, you’d have special order a rifle that didn’t have one.
I have been trying not to group suppressors or brake anywhere close to each other. If I lumped them together in something I've said, it was not deliberate. I have not used a suppressor, but have read the data on suppressors and they are the way to go. 👍
I have been trying not to group suppressors or brake anywhere close to each other. If I lumped them together in something I've said, it was not deliberate. I have not used a suppressor, but have read the data on suppressors and they are the way to go. 👍

Apologies, I was meaning the comment about shortening a barrel to add a suppressor in general. I could have, and should have been clearer about that.
From what I have read of yours, you generally exhibit intelligent and logical thoughts, I am not sure why you have recently went down this path. Much like the scope discussion you are speaking on emotion and beliefs, not data. Not direct experience repeatedly comparing the performance of different calibers and differing projectiles.

You have three different calibers and cartridges, yet all of them create a 2.5” permanent wound channel and penetrates 18” in an animal. Being that they create identical wound channels, does one “kill better”? If so, by what mechanism does it do so?

To answer your question- the impact velocity of a 22LR causes a very narrow wound channel due to no secondary damage, although it is possible to get acceptable penetration depths. The 17HMR create decently wide wounds, though still on the narrow side, and I am unaware of any available projectile that will penetrate deep enough for realistic use on large game.
Oh yes, the infamous scope that loses zero in its padded case inside your truck. I call bull***, but that’s just me. As far as an emotional response, nah, no reason for emotion. I’ve put 2 of the scopeS through significantly more real world situations without issue, but hey, you’re right. I didn’t drop them in the snow from 6”, but they did ride around in the back of my truck…without a case!!! And guess what, still held zero. I know. Shocking.

As far as your ballistics comments, I’ll just leave this here. I have no reason to argue, it’s just hard when I see some of the ridiculous stuff you post as the self appointed expert of all things rokslide. And as you said, I saw a lot of stuff you posted in the past that seemed logical, and you didn’t come across as a complete know it all, maybe it’s the fancy new title.

And once again it’s the Internet go to when arguing with somebody… “Your argument is all about emotion!” But of course yours isn’t right? Oh and I have a 6.5cm if that gives me validity somehow.

I’ll leave the last word to you because you’ll get it no matter what! But I’ll just leave these here. Tell me again how at 800 yards these two bullets are basically the same. Oh wait, your example doesn’t even hit the minimum fps for expansion per the manufacturer. Tell me that doesn’t matter what either… It’s honestly hard to believe that this is even an argument. SMH


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Even with hearing protection, you and those around you still suffer some level of hearing damage with every shot through a braked rifle.

I know that I do feel pain with foam inserts in my ears and over the ear protection when I’m near someone shooting a braked rifle. So I personally don’t like brakes and never will use one. And I have no issue accurately shooting my 8# 300 WM with no brake.

Another course of action is for people to be honest and realize that they’re not nearly as recoil tolerant as they think. There’s nothing wrong with stepping down a notch and being more proficient with your firearm.

not saying you are wrong, but it’s hard to believe that the sound pressure level is high enough while wearing quality ear pro for you to sustain hearing damage…much less dual ear pro.

Has that been formally tested?
not saying you are wrong, but it’s hard to believe that the sound pressure level is high enough while wearing quality ear pro for you to sustain hearing damage…much less dual ear pro.

Has that been formally tested?

Here’s some noise data in open air. Objects around you can greatly magnify sound at the ear as can wind. There’s quite a bit out there. On the high end plugs have a reduction rating around 30, assuming they are in perfectly. Muffs 20 is a high number. With. Take numbers around 160-166 decibels, and hearing damage occurring at 140 db, it’s not hard to do the math and see your on the ragged edge, and that’s if you’re using your ppe perfectly. I don’t know about you but I’m adjusting my plugs all the time.

I know stacking is not a direct gain for reduction but I notice a huge difference shooting a brakes rifle with plugs, muffs and sealed shooting glasses.

Still after a hundred rounds in a day at a match with a brake on a long barrel 6.5cm I feel like I got punched in the face. If someone in my group has a magnum that is doubled just being around them through the day.

The relief I get when someone with a can steps up and I can crack my muffs off is appreciated. I’m just not sure I can’t take the competitive disadvantage of the can.
From what I see at the range. I’d say the vast majority.

On top of that, shooting in the field, you have no idea where your bullet went without a spotter with a magnum without something to tame it.
Why would you need a spotter to know where the bullet went? If you did your part the dead animal will tell you where the bullet went. If you need to see your hits to adjust you shouldn’t be taking the shot. Only exception in my mind is varmints, bad guys and paper/steel.
Why would you need a spotter to know where the bullet went? If you did your part the dead animal will tell you where the bullet went. If you need to see your hits to adjust you shouldn’t be taking the shot. Only exception in my mind is varmints, bad guys and paper/steel.
I guess I miss more than you do then. I also like to see where I hit and what the animal does at the shot.
Why would you need a spotter to know where the bullet went? If you did your part the dead animal will tell you where the bullet went. If you need to see your hits to adjust you shouldn’t be taking the shot. Only exception in my mind is varmints, bad guys and paper/steel.
I considered a very similar response to the post you quoted as well. I know where the bullet lands because I placed it there. I have shot animals with standard chamberings and magnums, sans any devices on the barrel. In 30 years I can count on two or three fingers the animals that I didn't see after the shot and those were at longer ranges where they went straight down. Mark where they stood and go to that spot. If I they move any distance, mark the spot they went down as well.

Lawnboi, if you are saying seriously "I guess I miss more than you do", I hope for the animal's sake you're not guessing in the field.
I guess I miss more than you do then. I also like to see where I hit and what the animal does at the shot.
I don’t miss much… not saying never, but not much. A miss is a shameful event in my opinion. It means I shouldn’t have taken the shot. I’ve gone home empty handed lots of years because I will not compromise my ethics to kill an animal. I even feel a little disappointed in myself if I have to shoot more than once. I’m not saying that to give the impression that I’m a sniper, I’m saying I will only take high probability shots.
I don’t miss much… not saying never, but not much. A miss is a shameful event in my opinion. It means I shouldn’t have taken the shot. I’ve gone home empty handed lots of years because I will not compromise my ethics to kill an animal. I even feel a little disappointed in myself if I have to shoot more than once. I’m not saying that to give the impression that I’m a sniper, I’m saying I will only take high probability shots.
Same. But you hunt enough your going to miss. I’m also a shoot till it’s done moving kind of guy and have no issues putting another round in an animal that has an already lethal hit.
Same. But you hunt enough your going to miss.
Yes, that is true. Before laser rangefinders were a common thing I shot right over the top of a mule deer twice in a row. I was shooting a 444 Marlin and grossly overestimated the range. He was across a ravine which makes range estimation more challenging. It bothered me so much I stopped hunting until I figured out what I did wrong. I went back with a huge ball of twine and measured the distance. I don’t remember the measurement any more (that was over 20 years ago) but I learned why I missed. I should have been holding dead on and I was holding at the spine.

I killed a smallish Buck a few days later, at very close distance. This was in the Snowy Range mountains near Laramie, WY. I was in college, the G.I. Bill was not enough to live on. I needed the meat but, still stopped hunting until I could figure out what I was doing wrong.

Those were the days, I had a full size freezer as the centerpiece of my dorm room. I had a super compact reloading station and my 444 hidden in my closet.
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About ten years ago, I gave the question of recoil from a Tikka lightweight a lot of thought and settled on a 270 WSM. Good choice for me as the recoil is Ok and it shoots great with adequate long range power. I use a limbsaver for targets off a bench with a gun case draped over my shoulder. This takes all the unpleasantness out of the recoil. I never notice recoil shooting at game without any recoil pad.
Oh yes, the infamous scope that loses zero in its padded case inside your truck. I call bull***, but that’s just me. As far as an emotional response, nah, no reason for emotion. I’ve put 2 of the scopeS through significantly more real world situations without issue, but hey, you’re right. I didn’t drop them in the snow from 6”, but they did ride around in the back of my truck…without a case!!! And guess what, still held zero. I know. Shocking.

I will let you test it with Ryan and I standing there videoing. You can mount it in the rifle of your choosing. Also didn’t @sndmn11 offer to have you come try the drop eval with yours?

As far as your ballistics comments, I’ll just leave this here. I have no reason to argue, it’s just hard when I see some of the ridiculous stuff you post as the self appointed expert of all things rokslide.

Brother, in December your were asking what being off 1 moa at 800 yards meant, and just before that convinced that you need to clean suppressors before 300 rounds (was this also the same rifle with the screwed up barrel?), but now you know all about ballistics?

I haven’t self appointed anything, what I write is objective fact and can be proven on demand- I don’t talk about things I do not know intimately.

And as you said, I saw a lot of stuff you posted in the past that seemed logical, and you didn’t come across as a complete know it all, maybe it’s the fancy new title.

What and how I write today, is exactly how and what I wrote a year ago. The difference is that you are using multiple items that I AB e wrote have problems, and yes you are responding with emotions instead of logic. You called me a liar, I’ve offered to have you do the shooting and see if it is a lie. I can offer that as I have zero doubt what the outcome will be.

And once again it’s the Internet go to when arguing with somebody… “Your argument is all about emotion!” But of course yours isn’t right? Oh and I have a 6.5cm if that gives me validity somehow.

Have I called you a single name? Have I gotten personal at any point? I’ve asked three times now- how many animals have you killed with 30cal and 6.5 cal Accubonds? What were the results?

I’ll leave the last word to you because you’ll get it no matter what! But I’ll just leave these here.

So you you passive aggressively go through all this, then complain about me responding, then ask more questions?

Tell me again how at 800 yards these two bullets are basically the same. Oh wait, your example doesn’t even hit the minimum fps for expansion per the manufacturer. Tell me that doesn’t matter what either… It’s honestly hard to believe that this is even an argument. SMH

What bullets and what cartridges are those? And where did I say anything about anything being the same at 800 yards?
Oh yes, the infamous scope that loses zero in its padded case inside your truck. I call bull***, but that’s just me. As far as an emotional response, nah, no reason for emotion. I’ve put 2 of the scopeS through significantly more real world situations without issue, but hey, you’re right. I didn’t drop them in the snow from 6”, but they did ride around in the back of my truck…without a case!!! And guess what, still held zero. I know. Shocking.

As far as your ballistics comments, I’ll just leave this here. I have no reason to argue, it’s just hard when I see some of the ridiculous stuff you post as the self appointed expert of all things rokslide. And as you said, I saw a lot of stuff you posted in the past that seemed logical, and you didn’t come across as a complete know it all, maybe it’s the fancy new title.

And once again it’s the Internet go to when arguing with somebody… “Your argument is all about emotion!” But of course yours isn’t right? Oh and I have a 6.5cm if that gives me validity somehow.

I’ll leave the last word to you because you’ll get it no matter what! But I’ll just leave these here. Tell me again how at 800 yards these two bullets are basically the same. Oh wait, your example doesn’t even hit the minimum fps for expansion per the manufacturer. Tell me that doesn’t matter what either… It’s honestly hard to believe that this is even an argument. SMH
You know, I've adopted a new strategy on these forums where often times really really bad info persists.
I find the guys that constantly post the dumbest stuff, refuse to admit they don't know as much as they think they know, and I ignore their A$$es.
Give it a try it'll greatly improve your online experience my friend 🤙
Formid and UCS:
Jesus, get married already. You should charge folks to watch.

😂 coming from a guy that tends to… disagree a bit myself 😉