Tikka .223AI?


Aug 22, 2013
I searched and couldn't find much.

My Tikka .223 is in need of a new barrel as the factory tube has some major issues and rather than deal with Beretta's CS I'll just twist a new tube on there.

I already have a heavier rifle chambered in .223AI with an ARC Nucleus that feeds without issue with AICS mags. I assume the Tikka will feed fine as well.
As I already have brass, dies, etc. for the AI, I'd prefer to go that route as it makes it much quicker to sort the bolt gun brass/ammo from the AR fodder with a quick glance @ the case. The extra 75-100 fps with the heavy bullets is just an added bonus.

Anybody have any issues with feeding with the Tikka in factory or water's mags?


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Should be able to tell you in a week or so but I have no worries about it feeding from a tikka magazine. Tikka mags feed like they have eyes
Should be able to tell you in a week or so but I have no worries about it feeding from a tikka magazine. Tikka mags feed like they have eyes
I'm anxious to hear how it goes. I've run improved cases in a few different actions without issues that historically have much worse reputations for feeding. I currently have a fleet of Tikka's and nothing runs smoother than the factory mag setup. Unfortunately, the Tikka .223 COAL is stupid short, so I'll be running one of the new Ascension Industries mags or paying the big $ for a Waters mag. Seating a 75gr+ bullet deep enough to function in the factory mag negates any reason to go with the AI as you won't be able to utilize the extra capacity.

I imagine both aftermarket options will feed fine, just looking to hear from somebody else who has tried it.
While not a .223AI, I use standard factory (3 and 5 round) and a Mountain Tactical mags in my 7-08AI. Hundreds of rounds through the mags and not a single failure to feed. Same with my .338 Sherman Mega (think longer .300WSM case blown out). I am using a Mountain Tactical LA mag in that one.
I just took some of my 223AI brass and loaded stuff and cycled it through my Tikka 204, they use same mags as the 223's, and they cycled through the Tikka factory mag smooth as silk. I only let them start up in the chamber before I pulled back on the bolt, kicked them out, and ran another through but for my test the Tikka mag worked great so you should be fine using them on a 223AI build.
My 223ai is a savage, but I run all manner of Ackley cartridges through tikkas, + a dasher. All feed perfectly. Have no doubt it will work great. One of these days I’ll pick up a tikka 223 action, and will do another AI with it for my kiddo.

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I’ve got a bighorn origin 223ai that doesn’t feed well. Very choppy. Tried everything best I can get is choppy.

Considered another action (tikka or howa mini) for the cartridge because it works well other wise. Stupid accurate fire forming too.

Any suggestions?