Threads you'll never see on Rokslide

Some of the threads on this list actually popped up on here when I logged on. I'll give it a try

"How does the points system in Idaho work"
"Who are you voting for"
"Best back country set up for under $100 pack included"
"Pigman the best show on TV"
Robby , I'd say you were there on a good buck....a lot more than most of us can say. I nearly wrecked my truck checking for updates in the final minutes. Win or lose , you had created your opportunity.
True. Cost my contractor some money. The perfect hunt. Intense, suspenseful, comedic and still had victory!
Archery talk 101 (saw this last night, if its a repeat all the more apropos):

"What are some good places to put in for in [state name] with good draw odds for monster [critter name]."
What is the best rest for taking shots over my hood?

What is the best method for dragging out my game?

Will my .223 work for bear?

How to keep from spilling my beer when on bumpy roads

How to secure flashlight to my bow.
tips for roadhunting
That pretty much sums up my childhood!

If you see another rig parked it must be a good spot!

Deer Driving techniques

Best ear protection for 'from the cab' shots

honk the horn too see if any bedded deer get up

using your rifle scope to check out other hunters

texas heart shots

make sure to sight in your rifle once you start hunting

rolling your truck forward to center your buddy's crosshairs on intended target

where are the best places to scout for Elk/ Deer/ Bear?

is a 10Ib tent good for the back country?
What floral pattern blends in the best?

What's the best lightweight dvd player for the times you have to hunker down and wait out the weather?

What's the smallest caliber required to knock the spots off a deer?