Threading Tikka T3x Lite Compact 350 Legend Barrel


Jan 2, 2023
I’m looking for some advice regarding threading the barrel on a Tikka T3x Lite Compact in 350 legend. I have not shot suppressed before so this is new territory for me. I’ve been doing a lot of research, but seem to come across a lot of differing opinions. The barrel is 16” and I measure the OD at the muzzle to be .675”.

I looked at a few charts such as the one on Silencer Central’s site and it looks like they recommend threading it to 1/2x28” instead of the standard 5/8x24. Any concerns I should be aware of threading it to the smaller size? Also, any recommendations on reputable smiths I could reach out to about having this done? I’m not aware of any locally that I would trust and I can’t seem to find many reviews from anyone that’s had a barrel threaded by Silencer Central.
Send it to kampfeld and “thread sporter barrel 5/8-24 and add shoulder”. Your barrel itself will get 5/8-24 threads (there is enough diameter) and an additional piece will get threaded on and locked into place and tapered to the barrel to form a shoulder for the suppressor to tighten against.

Thank you for this recommendation. I did as you suggested and sent it off to Kampfeld. It took a couple months to get it back, but it was well worth the wait. He did a great job on it and I’m very pleased with how it turned out!