thoughts on scope choice


Mar 19, 2012
In '14 I bought a Vortex HS LR 4X16-44 and mounted on my Remington 700, 7mag, for a Colorado elk hunt. It was heavy toting it in mountains. It weighed a little over 10lbs and since I'm not no spring chicken, it was uncomfortable. Rifle has been in safe since. I have narrowed down my new rifle to a Browning Hells Canyon Speed .308 or a Tikka Superlite. My issue is the weight of Vortex. I weighed it on UPS cal and it weighed 1.5 lbs with rings and Vortex scope covers. Removed rings and it was 1.3. I would like to utilize the scope I have but are there lighter Leupolds out there comparable to the Vortex I already have? I was thinking of the VX3i. Trying to keep my rifle setup as comfortable to carry as possible but don't want to buy a 5lb rifle. Wyoming beckons. thanks
Sounds like that leupy would be a good fit, another good one to try is the older conquest 3-9x40's.
I'm not a long range hunter so I've no need for a heavy scope to get the job done.
I don't really see anything that is lightweight or compact in a 4-16x44 size. I hunt with a Remington Model 7 in 7mm-08 and it wears a Burris 2-7x33 compact scope. If you are wanting to keep the weight down you probably need to look at a compact scope of some sort. A compact scope would match that lightweight rifle better.
That is only about a 20 oz scope if I remember correctly. Like Gary said,you'd have to go compact to really save any weight. Sounds like the culprit was your previous rifle, what does it weight empty?
That is only about a 20 oz scope if I remember correctly. Like Gary said,you'd have to go compact to really save any weight. Sounds like the culprit was your previous rifle, what does it weight empty?
Empty weight is 9lbs plus. I'm not a long range shooter but I figured "better to have and not need it, than need it and not have it". Especially if on an elk hunt. I deer hunt mostly with shots in the 200 yd range. But planning on a 2020 Wyoming elk hunt. Doing research on the suggested Burris scope and have been impressed. I like that it's USA made. Didn't realize this Vortex was that heavy. May sell it and get a new one.
For lighter weight a fixed magnification leupold is hard to beat, pretty cheap, and baring it doesn't go off a cliff it shouldn't break. they are in the 10-13 oz range for a 6x scope.
Empty weight is 9lbs plus. I'm not a long range shooter but I figured "better to have and not need it, than need it and not have it". Especially if on an elk hunt. I deer hunt mostly with shots in the 200 yd range. But planning on a 2020 Wyoming elk hunt. Doing research on the suggested Burris scope and have been impressed. I like that it's USA made. Didn't realize this Vortex was that heavy. May sell it and get a new one.
20 oz is not what I consider a heavy scope. Lots of guys packing 30+ oz nightforce scopes into the Backcountry. You'll save almost 3 lbs just off your rifle alone but switching to the X-BOLT. I'd reuse that vortex , provided it tracks properly.