Long time stalker of this forum, first post.
I'm fortunate enough to have a little extra money laying around and I've been thinking about purchasing some land primarily for the purposes of hunting. I have a young family, so I like the idea of keeping it in the family for years to come.
I've been browsing across Colorado and Nebraska. I've only hunted public land.
I've been a bit torn on assessing the pros/cons of this purchase and was hoping to get some insight from land owners out there (or folks who decided against it). This would be something around 160 - 250 acres.
- Few/no other hunters. The obvious benefit.
- LPP program is nice.
- Opportunity to "shape" the land.
- Recreational use outside of hunting
- Option for small income stream (ranching lease, maybe hunting leases)
- Possibility of land appreciation.
- Taxes, fence upkeep.
- Land improvements (which is a bit elusive to me - I'm guessing this amounts to a few watering holes at a minimum?)
- Possibility of land depreciation.
- Ending up with land that proves to not be productive for hunting.
I like the idea of building a small cabin/structure. However, I've found it challenging to find land across CO/NE (in MY price range) that looks to be in a productive GMU and containing a good amount of rich landscape for recreation outside of hunting (e.g., forest and waterways). A lot of what I've found (in my price range) is ranch-like open grass spaces or sagebrush. Could be alright for hunting deer/antelope, but a bit limited on the general family recreation front.
Anyway - just curious if anyone has mulled over similar thoughts.