Has anyone ever done the math to see if it really makes sense to move things back to the US? In my basic knowledge/shower thoughts it goes like this. If I make 50,000 and it costs me 30,000 to live that leaves me with 20,000 to spend on other items. If we moved everything back to the US and it increased costs by 50%(this is probably low) then I would all of a sudden have to spend 45000 to live and only have 5000 to spend on other stuff. Honestly seems like it would hurt the economy of the US more than it would help it as we have a lot of businesses that are built around leisure and luxury items. Those businesses rely on disposable income and that would decrease if costs went up.
Has anyone ever done the math to see if it really makes sense to move things back to the US? In my basic knowledge/shower thoughts it goes like this. If I make 50,000 and it costs me 30,000 to live that leaves me with 20,000 to spend on other items. If we moved everything back to the US and it increased costs by 50%(this is probably low) then I would all of a sudden have to spend 45000 to live and only have 5000 to spend on other stuff. Honestly seems like it would hurt the economy of the US more than it would help it as we have a lot of businesses that are built around leisure and luxury items. Those businesses rely on disposable income and that would decrease if costs went up.
...Kuiu started in Canada...
So how about we reduce taxes for every company that brings their production back to the US? Uncle Sam more than makes it up in addtional payroll tax, income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc.The mark-up these hunting companies apply to their clothes is ridiculous. How much does a frickin grid fleece cost Sitka or Firstlite to make in China?? Dirt cheap! They then sell it for stupid prices (I get it, capitalism). Make it in America, charge the same price, and they'd still make money. Less than when they make it in China, but still a profit for them. So it's either we (the consumer) take the hit out of our wallet or the company takes the hit out of their wallet. Whose wallet do you think the company's will side with, ours or their own? Legislation outlawing things being made overseas is the only way these things will come back to America, except for the few companies that will try to make it work on the principal of "Buy American". Which will be VERY few.
So how about we reduce taxes for every company that brings their production back to the US? Uncle Sam more than makes it up in addtional payroll tax, income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, etc.
We've got plenty of urban wastelands like Detroit with room for manufacturing expansion.
Look at Levi's for a good example...made in USA Levi's are almost double the cost of the ones not made in the USA.I wonder what it would cost FL, KUIU and Sitka to have their clothes made here? How much more of a markup would it be? 10-15%. Kifaru makes everything in the great USA. Everyone should follow suit.
I hope our public perception of China changes after this. China is the enemy. I truly feel sorry for the Chinese people, they are not the enemy
I hope our public perception of China changes after this. China is the enemy. I truly feel sorry for the Chinese people, they are not the enemy.
Thunderbolt makes Schoeller Dryskin pants in Oregon, but they don't make any cargo versions. They make different jackets as well.It‘s very doable, Kuiu started in Canada, no reason it couldn’t happen. Be nice to see these companies invest in production on at the very least our continent.
Beyond Clothing and Wildthings make their stuff in the USA.
I’m of Chinese decent. American born.
Some people treat me differently now. I had a lady before the lockdown pick up her food and move to a table further away. Maybe she thoughtI was a carrier.
I assume it will get worse for me cuz the color of my skin and my facial features.
I think I need to clarify my post. I’m talking about Chinese culture and its racism and bigotry towards all others. I’m not talking about someone like boom who is American and appears or is of Chinese genetic origin. I’m talking about the societal beliefs of the Chinese people. Of course there are many individual Chinese who are not racist towards non Chinese but the general population and the leadership certainly is.You have obviously not dealt with many Chinese. They’re culturally supremest. They see themselves as the master race and all others as lessor people to be enslaved or made to pay tribute. They’re evil people and you should feel no sympathy for them or ever trust them. Think Nazis. They may be personable and charming to your face but at their core they truly terrible people.
I thought that's how the Japanese acted? I've never heard someone say what you said. I'm not saying it's not true. BillYou have obviously not dealt with many Chinese. They’re culturally supremest. They see themselves as the master race and all others as lessor people to be enslaved or made to pay tribute.