Thoughts on clothes from China


Dec 20, 2017
Western Pennsylvania
In light of corona virus exposing the weakness of the U.S not producing most medications, masks gloves, what are your thoughts on clothing made in China going forward? Do you see it as a security issue and venerability for the country to not produce our own? Would you pay more for made in the USA?
The mark-up these hunting companies apply to their clothes is ridiculous. How much does a frickin grid fleece cost Sitka or Firstlite to make in China?? Dirt cheap! They then sell it for stupid prices (I get it, capitalism). Make it in America, charge the same price, and they'd still make money. Less than when they make it in China, but still a profit for them. So it's either we (the consumer) take the hit out of our wallet or the company takes the hit out of their wallet. Whose wallet do you think the company's will side with, ours or their own? Legislation outlawing things being made overseas is the only way these things will come back to America, except for the few companies that will try to make it work on the principal of "Buy American". Which will be VERY few.
I don’t see clothing production as a security issue. Medication and the like, definitely a security issue. That being said, I would definitely like it for everything to be made here, and I would and do pay more for “made in the USA”.
I wonder what it would cost FL, KUIU and Sitka to have their clothes made here? How much more of a markup would it be? 10-15%. Kifaru makes everything in the great USA. Everyone should follow suit.
I already do pay more and buy USA made clothes whenever there’s a viable choice. Darn Tough socks , Round House jeans I’m wearing. Some TShirts I bought not too long ago. I’d buy Sitka or First Lite more happily if it were made in the USA. So few choices left sadly.
I’d love to buy more USA stuff all around it it’s better.

especially books...when I see a Made in China book I lose my shit
You'll never get away from it unfortunately. It will move from sourced and Made in China to sourced in China and "Made in USA" if anything. I'd love to see things sourced with American goods and made in America but I just don't see these companies doing it without huge incentives. I just don't see them taking margin hits if they aren't forced to.
I remember a chinese government official saying they were going to 'drown the USA in a sea of kung flu' not too long ago.
I wonder if we couldn’t write some letters to those fancy companies hanging in the man cave and request them to share their cost comparison on USA made stuff VS over seas?

I’m sure they have done one, ask the % increase, let them know we are tired of supporting China.
They could make them here, probably wouldn't have to charge any more... but, you would probably have to wait 6-8 weeks to get what you ordered because it would be made to order, they wouldn't be marketing at hunting shows, have "staff hunters", have expensive advertising etc etc etc..

I'm all for it, #$%# China, but we're all going to have to realize that instant gratification is going to go away, focus more on quality than quantity. Get it right rather than get it now. Hopefully that's the direction we will head after this. I don't know.
I wonder if we couldn’t write some letters to those fancy companies hanging in the man cave and request them to share their cost comparison on USA made stuff VS over seas?

I’m sure they have done one, ask the % increase, let them know we are tired of supporting China.

Eberlestock did it and it was about double the production costs.

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This would be a great podcast topic. If someone could get Sitka on a podcast and ask them why their products are not made in the USA. Not just Sitka but all the premium hunting clothing manufacturers.
I like my Sitka but I would love it if it was made in the USA.
Kuiu seems to be doing pretty good. There products don’t fit me as well as Sitka.
People in general dont care where it is made or where their dollars go. People will buy what is cheapest. Hunting clothing is overpriced as it is.