Thoughts on CA X9C for 2021


Oct 23, 2016
Fontana, CA
Hey all I have been pondering about this zone again, Back in my second year of ever hunting in 2016 I had drawn his tag. Needless to day I failed to fill it. My trip up the 395 took me to the White Mountains, a beautiful yet barren rolling hill landscape at around 12k feet or so. Anyway I started my climb down into the Cotton Canyon for 4 hours to get it by major altitude sickness, headache, cramps dizziness exc. At the time I was living at like 200ft above sea level and went from that to 13k in a 7 hour trip, prolly what tore me up. Now I live in Big Bear at 8k feet so I'm well attuned to high altitude.

So I'm considering applying this up coming season and trying it again, I'm looking for any option's on the zone, think its worth the first pick? or would trying for a Mammoth Area tag be more fruitful? I will be using Archery Equipment and on foot. Trying to dedicate 3 days at least to it (depending). My other option is A-22 AO tag I always seem to get. I got a good local on a few bucks if there still alive but I want to push outa Southern CA and into the Prem zones. Any ideas or thoughts I appreciate, I will be starting now getting my plans together for the Opener here in CA in the coming months. Already looking into Spring Turkey in SD! lol thanks guys!
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Tough hunt, but most of the units in that area are. Scouting in key, especially with only 3 days to hunt. There's worse ways to spend your weekends!
3 days is not enough time for a mule deer hunt. Life is short. Get more time off. When you’re on your death bed I doubt you will say “I wish I’d spent less time hunting”. More likely it’ll be “I spent much of my time and money chasin‘ deer, pretty girls, and buying nice rifles and having a good time”. The rest was just wasted.... “
X9C is a large area. Lots of great spots but, like all of the X zones, you have to put in the time scouting and be really familiar with the area. I live in a small X zone, and, personally, wish people would just get a tag in a different area if they didn't live in that particular zone, or want to put in the work and be respectful of the locals. If you only have 3 days to dedicate to the entire year/season, I would say get a tag somewhere else.
I helped my father in law in X9C for 2019 (I didn't get drawn). We saw probably 50 deer towards White Mountain all of which were does except for a 3x3 and two 2x2 the day before season started. No luck that year though my father in law did return later in the season and get a chance at a 3x3 only to find out his zero shifted from a fall.

Last year I drew and was really worried with all the fires. Smoke was present throughout but didn't seem to bother the animals. In the 5 days total I only saw the same group of 3 does. Lots of fresh signs of large bucks in the area but they never showed faces in the day light. Also saw fresh signs of mountain lion in the area which could explain not seeing much this year. Moved off White Mountain but still no luck and even less signs elsewhere.

Keep in mind it is such a large zone and the deer density is small. I have to say it is beautiful country.

I chose X9C based off the numbers and points required but it didn't just work out for me. Freezing my ass off with -2 wind chill didn't help either.

Moving forward I will be using my points elsewhere as I also live in So Cal and in the mean time have had more luck in D14/D11 than X9C. The only upside to me was less hunters but there were quite a lot of hikers in the area (particularly going towards White Mountain summit).
Choose the zone you'll have the greatest opportunity to scout ahead of time. With only three days you're going to need to know exactly were you need to be on your first day of hunting. Have a plan B. Remember that weather changes everything and can take all your efforts scouting off the table within your 72 hour hunt. I'd recommend banking another point this year and scout all you can so you're certain about where you're going in 2022.
Thanks for all the replies! Yes I will indeed get more time for this, I’m thinking at least a week and some days pre scouting the season. I have spots In D-16 but the competition is real haha.
The mountain lion problem is real in there. It made a low density herd even lower. Honestly if you can try somewhere else I would do it. It’s cool country but the deer just aren’t there like they should be...
There are good deer in the unit, I have buddies hunting there this year but I decided to stay local and go with A22. I like the 3 month archery season.

There are deer just as big in big bear, I would pick up a D14 and hunt as many days as you can (granted it is to late now to make a choice).
Thought I’d chime in on this post as I did pull an X9C tag this year. Used the couple preference points I had accumulated thinking, it’s an X zone and it has a 30+% success but after reading everything I can I’m a little concerned. Gonna head up there as many weekends as I can to scout but I don’t imagine what I see there during the summer is gonna be there for rifle season. At best I’ll get a lay of the land and figure out where they won’t be anymore. I reached out to a wildlife biologist as wel and I’m waiting on a response.

Unfortunately I’m only going to be able to hunt the weekends as all my time off work has been spent on an elk hunt and fishing trip lol. That gives me 6 days on the weekend to try to fill my first deer tag and my first tag not in a OTC area… should be fun lol.

If anyone has any tips that would be great. Also, if any other tag holders want to go scout the area and need someone I’m game.
I can only imagine that solo in that area would be pretty risky. Hope you guys with the tag are able to get together a bit.

Solid off road vehicle with recovery equipment and chains must be mandatory?
I can only imagine that solo in that area would be pretty risky. Hope you guys with the tag are able to get together a bit.

Solid off road vehicle with recovery equipment and chains must be mandatory?
You said you’re familiar with that area? When does the snow kick in out there? Any chance of that late October/November? Should I expect sub freezing? I’ve got a 4x4 Offroad Tacoma, I was planning on bringing a shovel and recovery tracks, but anything else I may need in case I’m solo out there? I will have a sidearm in case of lions or bears.

You said you’re familiar with that area? When does the snow kick in out there? Any chance of that late October/November? Should I expect sub freezing? I’ve got a 4x4 Offroad Tacoma, I was planning on bringing a shovel and recovery tracks, but anything else I may need in case I’m solo out there? I will have a sidearm in case of lions or bears.


I'm familiar with the area and hunt in a very general sense. I read a story called The Death Valley Germans years ago and have been interested in the area ever since. Always had a fondness for deserts in general, and Death Valley is the big daddy of North American deserts.

Some day I will visit, and due to my obsession with mule deer I looked up information on the hunt. Such a cool area.

As far as off road equipment a Google search or Rokslide search will show some results for this topic. No help. No cell service. Adjust accordingly. I would carry a compressor, two full size spares, jump pack, flat repair kit, tools, spare gas, spare water, and some way of communicating with the outside world.

I hope you keep us posted as the hunt progresses.
I'm familiar with the area and hunt in a very general sense. I read a story called The Death Valley Germans years ago and have been interested in the area ever since. Always had a fondness for deserts in general, and Death Valley is the big daddy of North American deserts.

Some day I will visit, and due to my obsession with mule deer I looked up information on the hunt. Such a cool area.

As far as off road equipment a Google search or Rokslide search will show some results for this topic. No help. No cell service. Adjust accordingly. I would carry a compressor, two full size spares, jump pack, flat repair kit, tools, spare gas, spare water, and some way of communicating with the outside world.

I hope you keep us posted as the hunt progresses.
I’ll make sure to get as much recovery equipment as possible and some extra food and water. I’ll likely pack in a night each trip just to be a bit deep in the early morning. Hopefully I can drag along some buddies but if not solo is gonna be the way to go. I’ll make sure to post my trip progress when the time comes. Or not, depending if I get out of there 😂
I drew X9C this year. Luckily I don't live too far away. Can't wait to get my butt up there to get some scouting in!

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I drew X9C this year. Luckily I don't live too far away. Can't wait to get my butt up there to get some scouting in!

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Same, I can’t wait. Unfortunately my drive to the area I plan to hunt/scout is like 6 hours 😂.