This will stir the pot


Feb 29, 2012
I feel bad for the F&G on this one. It was a good law and I believe there were still plenty of trail options out there for the ATV road hunter. Even if Idaho does move toward a controlled/quota system this still changes the hunting experience. Bottom line- less backcountry, more access. If you like remoteness and solitude of the backcountry this takes more of that away.

A good example of the difference in regulation is the closure of critical winter ranges by the Idaho F&G vs. the general closures on FS until April 15th. F&G puts in a great deal of effort and I think a relatively good job keeping people out. However, a lot of people don't even realize much of the FS is closed and if they do know its regulated so loosely people don't care.


i have not seen enforcement work, simply because there are so few officers, and so many miles, if they are going to close off trails, then they should make it impossible for wheelers to get in there by blocking them off good