This turned out much different than he planned

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True story---
Friend of mine is a sherrif dept dispatcher
I ask whats the craziest 911 call .
Lady called 911 she asked how do you cook a turkey for Thanksgiving?
He said "Lady 911 is for emergencies"
She said "You dont understand this is an emergency, my in laws are coming for Thanksgiving and the turkey has to be perfect ?
cant fix crazy
I've trapped in that area before. In the wrong place and the wrong time the Lochsa and Clearwater can have gnarly cream cheese snow that makes it most efficient to crawl.

I am kind of taking it personally that all the photos of this event show relatively nice snow conditions. All the sled belts I burnt, all the undignified post holing, and I didn't even get a single lousy Instagram photo of me handsomely deploying an InReach.
He’s the internet’s next influencer! Lol
He should of at least ditched his food and water before rescue arrived for a better story! What a piece of work!
Wow. We should really ditch the free rescue model. Though, a private service bird and 20k bill is what he deserved.
I used to live in a spot in Washington where SAR was pretty much activated all summer long, and every weekend during the winter. I guess that’s why is a a volunteer program or they be bankrupted by stupid people. They’d even rescue dogs the people drug up the mountain and wouldn’t come down.
Doesn't sound much different than the idiots I transport that call 911. The inability to care for oneself is strong in our society.
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