Thinking of the men and women police officers in dallas....................


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Lowman, Idaho
What a horrible thing to have happened. As someone who spent a career in law enforcement, it really hit home watching those events unfold last night.
God bless Dallas and the United States of America.
Really thinking of those officers.

I was downtown a couple of hours ago and its a damn zoo. Big D is a great town and this is a stain on our city.

What a shitty day...

Sending prayers to all LEO's. You guys do a tough job and it is appreciated. Stay frosty and get home to your families at the end of your watch.
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Welp, so much for this thread. Prayers to the families affected by last night's tragedy. God bless our law enforcement officers, and God bless America.

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Prayers for all Dallas Officers and LEO's everywhere. Thank you all for the sacrafice and work making this country the best in the world.
Welp, so much for this thread. Prayers to the families affected by last night's tragedy. God bless our law enforcement officers, and God bless America.

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I don't mean to seem insensitive, I am deeply impacted by the rising tide of racial discord in America...we have gone backwards, not forward. I grieve for the families of the fallen BLUE but my grief is outweighed by the sense of anger and frustration I have. The 1st black President in U.S. history should have been a monumentally positive step into a brighter future for race relations but it has turned disasterous. Why? More many more decent men and women must die before the real problem is addressed? Grieve yes...but with the realization that without massive public outdry ABOUT THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER...the killing will continue. And that makes me very angry.

All my heroes wear uniforms.
Prayers to the fallen officer's and families, senseless murders, pre- meditated and planned,... got the upmost respect for these men and women who put their lives on the line every time they walk out the door.
I pulled a few posts. Not that I didn't agree or they were too out of line, it just doesn't fit the spirit of the thread.
As some of you know from mentioning it in some of my posts, I have been in Law Enforcement for 40 years. My first 30 with New Orleans PD. My last 15 of those years were with Special Operations Tactical/SWAT, which, as part of my duty was Honor Guard at Fallen Police Officers Funerals.
Those times were most difficult, and some very close friends were amongst those Honored. We had two Officers killed within a 24 hour period, one of which was the brother of my SWAT Team mate. He was killed while serving a search warrant, and it struck really close to home.
As tragic as the killings are, the worst is yet to be seen at the funerals which is where the families and friends have to say their final goodbye. I have attended far too many, seeing young children and spouses trying to find a way to say goodbye when the funeral director starts to close the coffin.

It will take a stronger man than me to keep it together when Dallas has to bury five heroes at one time. God Bless them, their families, and the Brother Officers who are still willing to put up with the ungrateful people who don't appreciate the sacrifice that they are willing to make.

It is ironic that these men were at the Protest, to protect the people that were protesting against them, and when the bullets started flying these Brave Officers ran toward the gunfire while all of the protestors ran away seeking their protection.

RIP Brothers.
God Bless America. We, as a Nation, need it.

I am a staunch supporter of local law enforcement. Patrol officers have the toughest job in the world and I appreciate their commitment to our communities.
As some of you know from mentioning it in some of my posts, I have been in Law Enforcement for 40 years. My first 30 with New Orleans PD. My last 15 of those years were with Special Operations Tactical/SWAT, which, as part of my duty was Honor Guard at Fallen Police Officers Funerals.
Those times were most difficult, and some very close friends were amongst those Honored. We had two Officers killed within a 24 hour period, one of which was the brother of my SWAT Team mate. He was killed while serving a search warrant, and it struck really close to home.
As tragic as the killings are, the worst is yet to be seen at the funerals which is where the families and friends have to say their final goodbye. I have attended far too many, seeing young children and spouses trying to find a way to say goodbye when the funeral director starts to close the coffin.

It will take a stronger man than me to keep it together when Dallas has to bury five heroes at one time. God Bless them, their families, and the Brother Officers who are still willing to put up with the ungrateful people who don't appreciate the sacrifice that they are willing to make.

It is ironic that these men were at the Protest, to protect the people that were protesting against them, and when the bullets started flying these Brave Officers ran toward the gunfire while all of the protestors ran away seeking their protection.

RIP Brothers.

Well said and I too, have been to too many officers funerals. It is a very somber occasion and one that only a brother in uniform can truly comprehend.
As I said in my original post, I was deeply impacted by what occurred----even though retired, I wanted like hell to get down there and help out.
I did not wish to start any sort of political thread (although I have ALOT to say on that matter) -----I just wanted to let them know I was thinking of them and I am still and will be.

Retired LEO---KIng County Sheriffs Office, Washington State
Thoughts and prayers are with these fallen heroes and there loved ones. It kills me seeing these acts of violence onto those who are innocent bystanders. I hope those that believe cops are the enemies see how those who protect and serve will run to there aid even when they protest what they do. People don't understand the pressure, fear, and risk our LEO's are in day in and day out. I hope our country can get its shit together.
I'll refrain from addressing the disgusting politics that instigate these incidents.

About five minutes before the first shots in Dallas, I was texting a couple Brothers of mine that I knew were on the street, telling them to stay frosty as the protests were heating up everywhere. Then I see "shots fired in Dallas", and it was a downward spiraling shit show from there. 2 officers down, 3 down, 10 down, 3 deceased, and the horror kept coming as I watched til dawn broke and I had to go to work. I watched in utter disbelief and prayed for my blue Brothers that were dodging bullets and trying to reach the wounded officers. Watched footage of an officer being cut down at point blank range. The sick feeling in my gut was incredibly reminiscent of 9-11. Absolutely disgusting. We are praying for the fallen officers and their families, who are dealing with outrageous devastation.
NEVER forgotten!!!!

If you pray, this Country needs it right now!!

To all the badges on this site, keep your head on a swivel.
It's a sad state of affairs in our country today, and getting worse every day. The two worst jobs in America today because of the downward societal spiral........LEO's and school teachers. Prayers go out to all involved.
I know we give our hose dragging brethren hell and they deserve but I gotta give them credit.

They went into the hot zone even when the bullets were still flying to get downed officers. Probably without vests.

Thanks red