Thinking of the men and women police officers in dallas....................

I have 20 plus years as a fireman and It hits hard thinking what this country has come too. I work the lower income side of town my whole career and now as I think that I could retire one day my mind starts to wonder.... Prayers for all and healing. Everyone stay alert and safe out there you never know.
So sad. Thinking of the families most of all but also the nation as a whole. I know several officers personally and all are great guys. Like any profession there are also some real psychos and scumbags no matter how intense departments screen, not to mention systemic poverty issues and the abject failure of the war on drugs.

Hopefully this drives the dialogue forward toward solving the underlying issues, instead of farther polarizing the opposing ideologies, but I fear that will not happen for many more years.

Very cool.

I've been a police officer in Texas for the last 3 years and worked 4 years before that as a county jailer. I work in a city about 2 hrs from Dallas and was off the night of the shooting. Like many of the ofcs I work with I stayed up late watching the news in horror. It's crazy how seeing events like this unfold so close to home make it very real. But seeing the after effect of these tragedies truly amaze me how a community will come together to support its officers. Yesterday morning I found this note on my patrol car windshield

Little things like this help us know we are making a difference. So I also thank y'all for the support from fellow hunters!

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