Thermal hunters, scanner or weapon mounted first?

Don't know where guys are hunting or terrain but standing with a Tripod in wide open snow covered areas is an absolute no go for coyotes where I hunt.
curious where you are hunting? we have no problems killing coyotes all over the wide-open snow-covered areas of MN, ND & MT standing behind our tripods. Of course, when available we'll use anything possible to break up our silhouette but that is not possible alot of times and i can tell you for certain hundreds of coyotes have bitten the dust by a guy standing in the wide open behind a tripod at night with a thermal.
Weapon Mounted 100%. Tell your buddy who doesn't want to drop that the extra difference in money on the monocular and he can watch you kill them.
Get a small weapon mounted thermal with a good return to zero mount and use it as both . I’ve been doing it with a reapir , flirs, irays and pulsar scopes for years
I ended up going with a Phenom-640 35mm monocular and a Super Yoter R 640 50mm. Both have been great. I had planned on weapon only, until being convinced otherwise. And, I'm glad I did. Yes, you can run weapon only, depending on your stand. But, there's a lot less movement for the dogs to pick up on with a scanner.
Thermal and NV is legal in KS, yes, visible light however is not, so I wouldnt be able to use a gun mounted light if I went the scanner route this year.
The AGM looks great but doesnt look compatible with a helmet which is what I want for a scanner.
You can use artificial light in Kansas. The regs say you can use thermal, nv, and artificial light from Jan 1- March 31.