The worst piece of gear you own and still use.


Feb 24, 2012
Salem, OR
What is the piece of gear you are using this year that is not going to get replace before your hunt? I would have to say that my bow is in need of an upgrade I am shooting a mission X3 bow.
Ha, sort of a silly topic.
But now that I think of it, I REALLY need to upgrade my spotting scope. The Leupold Sequia. I sometimes wonder if its even worth packing the darn thing around.
Ive actually be considering if it needs to be sent in to be deep cleaned or something by the factory...
Gman you are not alone! I have let myself go and it is going to take a lot of work to get my body back in the shape it needs to be in. Other than that I think I have my setup tweaked to my liking. Then again I could use a Kimber Talkeetna to replace my Ruger #1 in 375 H&H. :)
I have done a bunch of upgrades this year, but my aluminum tripod is going to be coming with me again this year. I don't think I can convince my wife that I need a nice carbon one though.
My bushnell chuck adams rangefinder that is a few years old, still works though but everything else has been replaced with a quality item already.
pack. boots. optics. rain gear.
outfitting the wife this year has put a damper on my purchasing...

Wait till you have to outfit the kids and the wife. Don't get me going on what happens when the kids decide they like your guns and want them for their own! Two years ago I ended up buying two Ruger MKII pistols just so I could carry and shoot mine when I wanted to without standing in line.
haha most of my gear everyone on here would laugh at. i don't have any name brand layering or anything of the sort I guess my buget doesn't allow it but I seem to come out ok through two CO bighorn sheep hunts and who knows how many elk and deer hunts at 12000 plus feet in Elevation.

2rocky is you landmark the compact or a larger spotting scope I actually am impressed by most the burris stuff I've seen.
Don't get me going on what happens when the kids decide they like your guns and want them for their own!

I have been lucky as my son who just turned 14 has won a shotgun or two, a couple .22's and a 270WSM in a Tikka T3. He still uses some of my guns, but at least I can tell him to use his own. Ammo still adds up. He is about to wear the same clothes as me, don't know if that is good or bad. Taking my soon to be 12 year old daughter to hunter education starting Monday. I'm guessing that outfitting her for hunting may be one of the cheaper things I have to do for her. She does have her eye on an 1187 in 20 gauge that hasn't been shot. Wife doesn't care to shoot or hunt, so she is much cheaper in this area. She has this idea that if she can't keep up, that I would leave her behind.
Sleeping bag, still use the 3 part military sleep system. Two bags and goretex shell. I change bags from cold to warm season hunting but it is still pretty heavy. Still putting pennies away for Kifaru slick bag.
The Leupold Sequia. I sometimes wonder if its even worth packing the darn thing around.
Ive actually be considering if it needs to be sent in to be deep cleaned or something by the factory...

My uncle has a Sequioa and that thing is a piece of crap. I can't believe Leupold has their name on that thing.
Sleeping bag, still use the 3 part military sleep system. Two bags and goretex shell. I change bags from cold to warm season hunting but it is still pretty heavy. Still putting pennies away for Kifaru slick bag.

Check the classifieds and snag that Montbell, great bags, light, compact, warm, and comfortable!

That military bag is great when you are car camping but when you have to pack it, you run out of room and it is heavy.