The worst piece of gear you own and still use.

I have a $80 set of alpen bins that bounce around in my truck and are just awful! I bought them for my son but they are hard to fit to any normal human face and get dark early. I felt so bad repeatedly trying to explain where animals were to him that I went and picked him up some vortex talons. The Alpens still live in my truck but I find that I reach for a set of $20 Burris 10x travel bins over them every time! I should just toss em out as I would feel guilty even giving them away...

A close second is my Leupold Rifleman 3-9x40. Started life on my primary hunting rifle and has slowly moved down the ranks till it finally got a coat of winter camo and lives on my 17HMR. It felt good having it painted as those things don't deserve the gold ring.
My Rivers West pants and jacket are the worst piece of gear I still use. It packs down to the size of a small car and and will cause you to overheat badly if you walk more than a few hundred yards while wearing it. But, I take it with me if I'm going to hunt in snow or heavy rain, because it keeps my absolutely dry.