The worst game or fish you've eaten

Hunting was slow a few years back so I shot a marmot with my bow after stumbling upon a small colony. I figured what the heck, gutted the thing and hauled it home. It smelled ok, kinda like a deer and I was planning on grilling it up for dinner. My wife flipped out when I pulled it out of the Jeep and after many colorful words.....I still wonder what Marmot tastes like. Fish? I hate carp. Nothing but bones and mush!

It's always tasted like a chunk of wood from an armpit no matter what I tried to do to it lol.
Back when I did some trapping in college I tried the meat off everything I caught. Oppossum was greasy but not bad, especially with a little gravy. Otter had an odd odor to it but tasted fine if aged a bit. Bobcat was pretty dang tasty. Raccoon was horrid. Tasted like garbage (literally like garbage). A lot of that probably had to do with the fact that we trapped most raccoons near a residential area and they lived off people's trash. Muskrat was not my favorite either. Very earthy. Beaver was pretty good when done in a crock pot.
You make good rabbit pilgrim.

Back when I did some trapping in college I tried the meat off everything I caught. Oppossum was greasy but not bad, especially with a little gravy. Otter had an odd odor to it but tasted fine if aged a bit. Bobcat was pretty dang tasty. Raccoon was horrid. Tasted like garbage (literally like garbage). A lot of that probably had to do with the fact that we trapped most raccoons near a residential area and they lived off people's trash. Muskrat was not my favorite either. Very earthy. Beaver was pretty good when done in a crock pot.

I've eaten coon but never prepared it. From what I have been told by experienced coon hunters is that you have to remove their glands before cooking them. They have a scent gland in all 4 quarters that will ruin the meat if while cooking.

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Traded a guy I work with some real good bear meat for some duck and geese. Never been waterfowl hunting in my life so I was excited. Drove in from WY to KY for Thanksgiving and we had a wild game supper one night. My motherinlaw and youngest daughter cooked the ducks and geese. To say it was bad would be understatement. You couldn't stay in the house with it. We had some hounds tied up to trees all around the yard as we were going coon hunting that night. NONE of the dogs would eat it when I took it out of the house to get rid of it.
Boiled Mutton or any traditional Mongolian dish. Marco Polo ranks a close second. Camel is a distant third

Boiled Mutton sounds awful. hell, you boil a cow T-bone and it would taste like warm shit.

one time hunting a buddies texas ranch..he was moaning about these goats that escaped on his ranch. sure enough, here they come. three of them. i was "no way!" i passed and begged by friend to pass. he couldnt stand it, and sent in a arrow. that thing was the epitome of barnyard smell. it was this old rutty goat. big giant nuts. it smelled awful..inside and out.

i helped gut it..and he rewarded me with a front leg/shoulder. i plopped it on my parents counter, and stunk up the smelled like a barn. my stepdad turned it into a BADASS thai curry dish. we went down and chased down the other front quarter.

i think knowing how to cook would be step #1.
Had some mule deer sausage once that was awful. And have to get creative to eat waterfowl, pepperoni is the best way with summer sausage close second. Killed a duck once that that must have been living on a dairy manure pond, cut it open and about puked. Ate a dried fish "delicacy" in Japan, just one small cube, knew I made a mistake as soon as it hit my tongue, yuck! Entrails (offal) are on my "avoid at all costs" list. Overall, I'm pretty adventurous with food, so will try just about anything once though.
I friend of mine brought some snow goose jerky he had made. Absolutely the worst thing I have ever tried. Even worse than my mother's meat loaf.

He told me once that if you wrap bacon around snow goose breast, soak it in a steak marinade overnight and then put it on the grill, the bacon will be the only thing worth eating. I don't know why he thought jerky would be any different.

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I friend of mine brought some snow goose jerky he had made. Absolutely the worst thing I have ever tried. Even worse than my mother's meat loaf.

ha ha... I always get a kick out of friends/family that start a sentence with.... "you gotta try this jerky, made it myself"..... lo and behold it 9 times out of 10 ends up being made with hi mountain jerky from walmart in their oven or dehydrator.

EVERYONE seems to think they make the best jerky.....
Yes Bar he liked the bear meat ,it was a young dry sow. A goodun haha. I still work with him hes good friend. Pretty sure I got screwed on that deal. hahaha
As a youngster, my mom would take a weekend's catch and make trout patties. Sounds OK. My mom, however, was a little liberal with what made the patty and what went into the trash. I struggle to eat trout to this day.