The unfortunate sale...

This truly is a great little community we have here and your tragic circumstances has really brought to the forefront it's true colors. Perhaps it's the special connection to God's creation that hunting gives us or perhaps its the hard working hard hunting similarities that we all share but when one of our own is hurting like this it really emphasizes our common bond. I only wish there were more we could do.

X2.... Couldn't of said it better myself.... God bless and praying for strength for both CB and your family Micah!

Fund is up to 11580$ Unfortunately thats only a drop in the bucket of what this little guy needs to keep on growing. Im still pushing this out there cause I know we can do another 12k This next week. every little bit helps. We have people donating 5$ to a wopping 5000$ thats incredible. So if you guys have a way to get this networked out. Posted on your company website or have a friends list thats massive. Lets keep it going. Prayers help too. Im proud to be a part of this great community on Rokslide. Its an absolute honor and privlidge to be able to learn from some of the greatest people out there. Lets try to keep Little CB around as long as we can.

Robby, Ryan, I think we need to send CB a Rokslide Tshirt =-). Do they make them that small? =-)
Pay pal sent. Our prayers are with you and your family!!!

I had to step out a minute and give props to 338edge. This guy specially signed up on Rokslide just for this post. Thats pretty incredible stuff. Thanks 338edge. That is cool as all get out.
Paypal sent. Not sure how the Aussie Peso stacks up against the mighty US Dollar, but I guess it all helps. I'm sure Paypal will take care of the exchange rate.

Thoughts and prayers from Australia,

P, S, J and J
Found some cash I left in PayPal. It's yours.

Good luck to the family!

Sweet rifle btw.
Thank you everyone for all the help and prayers. Please don't forget to get your raffle tickets for all the great gear. Visit my Facebook for additional raffle from Quick Draw Archery in addition to the one on Rokslide.
Thank you so much,
The Chappell's
Do any members here have a Reddit account? Needs to have had the account for longer than 90 days.

If someone does, please post a link and description. Its amazing the generosity of the people on Reddit.

Funds sent.....God Bless
Long time lurker but this was too much. My son turned 8 months yesterday. He and my wife were in the NICU for several weeks as he was born a couple months early so I know all about medical bills. The part I can't even wrap my head around is knowing that you are going to lose him. That is so rough. Donation sent. Prayers to be ongoing. I am only a few hours west of you and visit the Palouse regularly so let me know if I can help.
FYI if your in Denver. on September 27th we are hosting Andy Ross Country Musician, Owner and star of American Rebel on Sportsman channel for a benefit Concert for CB. We will be raffling off a 2014 Elite Energy 35 at this event. Here is the info

I've only recently joined the forum after stumbling on it while looking for hunting pack advice. This is my first year hunting. I'm always amazed to see the goodness of people, this seems like a very good group here. My thoughts are with you, your son, and your family. I made a small donation on the FundMe.