The Ultimate Packmule

Two pillars of truth here on display the dealer and the criminal user.

I was buzzed ... 5 miles in... by Ebikers last year. They explained that since they have no motor they fit the posted "No motorised access" sign. I asked how they move and they explained about the electric motor thing.

I called about it and of course they were illegal, I asked what I could do? and he asked how many were there?

4 I said

He put on his RD Mercer voice and asked "how bigga boy are ya!"
Yeah, as if there are horse packers behind every tree........
Most every unit in the West has a licensed outfitter that can pack out critters. Beau Baty also rents out llamas. There's options for those who look, that are a helluva lot more legal than a pack wheel.

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Best pack mule I have used the last few years has been two 27-year-old boys. No way to get anything other than a man where we hunt. Makes it nice, no 4 wheelers or horses. And the mules I'm taking about are my kids..
Most every unit in the West has a licensed outfitter that can pack out critters. Beau Baty also rents out llamas. There's options for those who look, that are a helluva lot more legal than a pack wheel.

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Usually. And it will be at their convenience, while hot September temps cook your meat.
Usually. And it will be at their convenience, while hot September temps cook your meat.
Perhaps, but still better than running an illegal motorized pack mule on public land because you failed to plan ahead. Roll of the dice as they say.

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I’m sure your technically illegal to the letter of the law on some areas, but the spirit of the law? A warden should be more concerned with addressing quads and side x sides as “motorized vehicles” rather than a 40 pound pack wheel. I’d run it and roll the dice on a warden even seeing me, let alone giving me a citation.
Sure…why not.

Maybe shoot a few minutes after legal shooting light. Perhaps “float” a 4th round while chasing waterfowl. Maybe hang onto that fish that’s just an inch under the slot limit too.

All minor infractions and perfectly acceptable as long as your within the “spirit” of the law…as you define it of course.

Sure…why not.

Maybe shoot a few minutes after legal shooting light. Perhaps “float” a 4th round while chasing waterfowl. Maybe hang onto that fish that’s just an inch under the slot limit too.

All minor infractions and perfectly acceptable as long as your within the “spirit” of the law…as you define it of course.

I get it, you’re a Saint and never speed. What’s 1 or 2 mph??? I mean, god forbid😱 someone might get hurt!!! You also wear your seatbelt and never had a beer before you were 21 years old. Those are rules, we are to obey rules. That’s unquestionably what we have to do these days.
They got you trained well buddy. Keep your head down, don’t look authority in the eye. Be a good little boy and “Say something if you see something”. Big brother is watching you follow the “letter of the law”. By all means, self report if you cross the line, intentionally or not. Report everything anyone else does-regardless of whether it’s totally harmless.
What happened to having a brain and considering using rational judgment? You know if you’re doing something wrong, or if it’s not. Everyone that’s an adult has a moral compass, if using this little 40 pound electric pack mule to recover game is so terrible that you can’t sleep at night, don’t do it. But man, there’s plenty of bigger issues to worry about - that actually matter. Snitch away, be righteous, and be mindlessly compliant.
I DO speed a bit and drank a LOT of beers before I was 21...about a million other things too. I‘m just not dumb enough to publicly encourage others to violate hunting-related laws on a hunting forum….based on a rationalization of the “spirit of the law”….that I clearly don’t understand.

FYI- It’s not just “technically illegal in some areas” as you so cavalierly tried to minimize it as…it’s illegal on 100 percent of USFS non-motorized trails and ALL USFS lands that don’t fall under the “motorized trail” portion USFS Motorized Use Vehicle Maps…more commonly referred to as MVUMs.

I also don’t need to cheat to get what I kill out of the hills. This was animal number 3 out of 4 I quartered and packed out on my back this season, which is about average. I’d also note I’ve had both knees replaced and I’m 51. Idaho isn’t real flat either. When I can’t do it anymore, I’ll take up golf or go fishing. I won’t cheat to continue, and that doesn’t make me self-righteous. It just makes me a normal hunter.

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I think as a hunters it’s important that we go above and beyond to abide by the rules of the law. Hunting opportunities are being squeezed and we share our forests with other users. We don’t get to pick and choose what we think is an important rule to follow. Breaking laws and not calling out infractions for what they are just messes it up for all of us. So don’t be an idiot and don’t defend idiots. Use the internet the way it was meant and shame them! 😂
I DO speed a bit and drank a LOT of beers before I was 21...about a million other things too. I‘m just not dumb enough to publicly encourage others to violate hunting-related laws on a hunting forum….based on a rationalization of the “spirit of the law”….that I clearly don’t understand.

FYI- It’s not just “technically illegal in some areas” as you so cavalierly tried to minimize it as…it’s illegal on 100 percent of USFS non-motorized trails and ALL USFS lands that don’t fall under the “motorized trail” portion USFS Motorized Use Vehicle Maps…more commonly referred to as MVUMs.

I also don’t need to cheat to get what I kill out of the hills. This was animal number 3 out of 4 I quartered and packed out on my back this season, which is about average. I’d also note I’ve had both knees replaced and I’m 51. Idaho isn’t real flat either. When I can’t do it anymore, I’ll take up golf or go fishing. I won’t cheat to continue, and that doesn’t make me self-righteous. It just makes me a normal hunter.

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That’s awesome!
Not sure if this has been addressed, but I have spoken to a FS LEO and game warden here in MT and both have told me that since it is not a mode of conveyance, it's not considered a vehicle and thus is perfectly legal. One conversation went like this: LEO, "Can you ride it?". Me, "Nope." LEO, "Well, then it's perfectly legal."
Take that for what you will, but I love this thing. Saved my back last season when my buddy "injured" himself and I had to pack out both our elk on Thanksgiving. 8 degrees F and snowing sideways.
Well now, that's pretty interesting. What do the naysayers have to say about that?
Sounds like a sells pitch to me as it clearly falls outside the parameters, but it's not my job to enforce the rules.

I can see where it would be handy sometimes

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When your hunting partners are your family and the largest partner weighs 108 pounds you search high and low for a better way to pack your bull out 3-5 miles and 2000 vertical.

A horse doesn’t fit in our jeep and impossible to get a horse trailer down our 1.5 hour deep jeep trail. This year I pulled the trigger on a electric packwheel and here are my thoughts after using it this season:

It cannot handle above 150 pounds in the steep mountains, I tried to pack out four quarters and the brakes cannot handle the load and I took a tumble twisting my ankle in the process. It handles two quarters at a time like a champ. It is actually easier to walk up a mountain under full load than up a mountain with no pack. It literally pulls you up the mountain. It climbs deadfall with ease. Side hilling is a little challenging but provided you only pack two quarters at a time not that hard, packing 4 quarters side hilling is when I went head over heals.

It fits in the back cargo area of our jeep perfectly. We used it a total distance of around 20 miles and its battery was above 50% at the end. It cost around 2k which seems high until you think of the cost to take care of one horse, let alone trailer and cost of horse.

I would love to hear others thoughts who use a packwheel or any other ideas for packing out a bull when you hunt with a family
where do you buy these?