The Ultimate Packmule

It is legal where we use it… You can do your own research where you hunt, should we kill a bull one ridge further than we normally do, it is not legal and I have Elberstock meat pack to ferry back to where it is legal. It is essentially a modern chinese wheelbarrow. It is not a motorized vehicle
If it has an electric motor it's considered a motorized vehicle.

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Dont get you panties in a bunch worrying about if I am breaking the law. You do your own research, as should everyone, to determine what is legal where you hunt.
You commented in another thread that the Sawtooths are your stomping grounds. That isn't legal anywhere in the SNRA. Not legal off any motorized use trail either. If you're so confident in the legality of it, post up the contacts with USFS and IDFG that you ran this past to get approval on.

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Vehicle does not have to = car, motorcycle or bicycle; if it has a motor and is used to carry things, then its a Vehicle. Simple enough.

OP seems confident that he understands the definition of Vehicle. So, if Vehicles can be used where he hunts, then all's good. Otherwise, he can explain his logic if the time comes.

Kinda naïve to expect him to disclose his route/trail.

That said, two years back and one week before archery opening, I had two guys blow past me on KTMs in deep CO wilderness. Totally a non-motorized area. Stopped one of them later when they turned around and came back up the trail, he claimed they were "lost"... Lost my ass... They knew where they were and how to get in/out. F'n asshats.

The OP is laughable. His argument is basically "I can use in e-bike where they are not allowed because I am not sitting on it". WTF? The extent some lazy asses will go. Reminds me of all the dudes riding on closed roads with their atvs because there was no sign.

BTW I own an ATV, I own an E-Bike and I own Mt Bikes. They are all great when you use them where they are allowed. Not bashing any of them, but when people start using them where they are not we all pay the price.

How about the OP post a letter from the forest manger where he is using it stating that it's ok? That would go a long way in clearing this up. I'm a firm believer in stating facts, so if he can produce something factual from an actual federal agency that contradicts all their other e-bike regulations then we would all benefit from that knowledge. Some email from a company trying to sell a product is about as credible as Biden saying he's not responsible for any of the current shit! :)
Will you please leave this thread so the rest of us can enjoy it? Find a flipping hobby dudebag!!
To all the trolls out there: go **** yourselves, doubt you would be such an a-hole if we met in person. Just used it to pack in on a youth turkey hunt and it worked great, packed out in a blowing snow storm and it didn’t skip a beat. And if you think I will let you know my spots to prove it is legal where I use it you are dumber than dirt. Keep typing away while I fill the freezer, oh by the way to all those who say Elk have been wiped out by the wolves. Get off your computer, get out of your truck, this is our Turkey spot and we had a herd walk through our camp, again.


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You might want to run that by the rangers where you hunt. What you think you know or what others think they know doesn't really matter if the head Ranger disagrees about your electric unicycle.
To all the trolls out there: go **** yourselves, doubt you would be such an a-hole if we met in person. Just used it to pack in on a youth turkey hunt and it worked great, packed out in a blowing snow storm and it didn’t skip a beat. And if you think I will let you know my spots to prove it is legal where I use it you are dumber than dirt. Keep typing away while I fill the freezer, oh by the way to all those who say Elk have been wiped out by the wolves. Get off your computer, get out of your truck, this is our Turkey spot and we had a herd walk through our camp, again.
GFY. The only federal lands that "may" be legal on is BLM, and that's according to who you ask. USFS that is not legal in any way shape or form off of an authorized motorized use trail. You can act as bad ass as you want, that thing is illegal off trail on NF, and sure as hell illegal in wilderness areas. I verified that through an IDFG regional director. You still haven't posted who you got permission from. Guess we'll be waiting for a while.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
To all the trolls out there: go **** yourselves, doubt you would be such an a-hole if we met in person.
Well, that does not help anything. I'm not on the side of pathetic people who rudely press a point and take it on themselves to police others down to microscopic details of how they did due diligence. However, feeding the trolls is a bad idea (which is what the above amounts to). It also makes it harder to point out that in this context all any of us can do is take someone at their word.

Perhaps the give me a name people should all post up an image of their hunting license and tags, otherwise they are poaching as they obviously don't have them. Well, if we apply their standards.
Go and see the "report your buddy" and the "report everyone" threads on here. Bunch of self-enforcement gurus on here. You'd think they would get a job in law enforcement but seems turning in folks satisfies the need.

@sneaky has me laughing - challenging you to post up your contacts to prove something to him. LOL! Never a dull moment. He's likely to go find you and bring in LEO.

Best bet is to move on from this thread.
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To all the trolls out there: go **** yourselves, doubt you would be such an a-hole if we met in person. Just used it to pack in on a youth turkey hunt and it worked great, packed out in a blowing snow storm and it didn’t skip a beat. And if you think I will let you know my spots to prove it is legal where I use it you are dumber than dirt. Keep typing away while I fill the freezer, oh by the way to all those who say Elk have been wiped out by the wolves. Get off your computer, get out of your truck, this is our Turkey spot and we had a herd walk through our camp, again.

I don't have a dog in this hunt on either side of the perceived discussion, but you seem to be a bit uptight. Maybe learn to lighten up a bit when you're out in the woods?
To all the trolls out there: go **** yourselves, doubt you would be such an a-hole if we met in person. Just used it to pack in on a youth turkey hunt and it worked great, packed out in a blowing snow storm and it didn’t skip a beat. And if you think I will let you know my spots to prove it is legal where I use it you are dumber than dirt. Keep typing away while I fill the freezer, oh by the way to all those who say Elk have been wiped out by the wolves. Get off your computer, get out of your truck, this is our Turkey spot and we had a herd walk through our camp, again.
Thanks for sharing and not being fazed by the typing tough guys...

I was wondering what holster you are wearing if you would share that?