The transformation....I was a fat bastard! :)

Nice job 7mag. Scott (FilltheFreezer) and I have a BIG year next year, and that is our mindset. Make it hard now, so it isn't hard then.
Staying consistently at 193, but the cold weather slowed my outdoor cardio a bit.

Just ordered a Fat Bike (surly pug ops), so snow riding is gonna become an everyday thing for me.

At this point, increased cardio is about all I can do to drop to 190, but we'll see.

My body fat has dropped in the last month, so improvements are happening. It may be that 193-195 is the weight my body likes.

My strength to weight ratio has increased as well (max bench to body weight/pull up to muscle failure/ push up to muscle failure, etc) are all increased, so I'm happy about that.

I keep a log on these things all year to see where improvements have been made, but also to work on my weaknesses.
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The cold blast that came through slowed down my outdoor cardio as well the last two weeks. Starting to warm today so I'll be going for a 5 mile run today and a 10 mile hike tomorrow.

I don't know how you guys in the extreme cold get outside and do cardio. Just tougher than me I guess😊
We were running in the low twenties last week and it was brutal. Though now that the weather warmed up, everything send a bit easier on the lungs.
I don't know how you guys in the extreme cold get outside and do cardio. Just tougher than me I guess��

Back in my youth in Fairbanks, AK, my limit for outside running was -20 below. At -25 below my wind gear did not prevent the front of my thighs from going numb. I don't know what we would of done if it was not a "dry cold".
I've went from 275 to 202, I'm 6'6" tall. Still not beast mode yet, but closer than when I was 275 back in January of this year.

I'm a fat kid at heart as well.

Paleo diet and some exercise for the win.
From 280 to 193 ish, hydration-dependent. I started August 28, 2012 and haven't wanted to look back. BUT, the credit for last 33 goes to Robby Denning as well as his kick-butt trainer, Josh Reeder, from Idaho Falls, ID. Through routine sessions w/ Josh (phone, b/c we're 1500 miles away from each other) and some killer but well-designed workouts, I finally learned not only about the science behind weight loss, but I've also learned a LOT about types of foods and how to have a 'relationship' w/ food. Actually, I'm leaning what that means as I fight the fight everyday. The way I feel is so incredible that I don't want to go back to 280 so fighting the fight is getting easier. I have developed the habit of staying physically active now and it has changed my life.
On this flip side to this conversation:

I have always been skinny. I have had a hard time building muscle. All of my friends have said that I'm pretty strong for a skinny guy but my downside is that I have a really hard time building muscle and keeping it. I bought a book several years ago called "Scrawny to Brawny" and I tried to follow it but it wanted me to eat so much that I was bloated. I literally couldn't keep eating like that.

When I graduated high school back 15 years ago I was 130 pounds.

I now weigh right at 160 and to be honest I could probably drop to 155 and loose some of my beer gut.

I know this isn't the same as some of you guys but it is also a real challenge because carrying a pack into the backcountry that weighs 50 pounds or more for a guy that weighs 160 pounds can be a chore. Not because of my strength of being able to lift the weight, just the pure fact that I don't have much counterbalance to stay balanced. Getting in shape for a hunt doing Cardio is no problem for me its the gaining muscle thing that kills me. When I start lifting weight and doing pull-ups and pushups its like I am literally getting deathly skinny. Like Ethiopian shit... Drives me crazy. And yes I eat a lot of food. I don't drink Soda of any kind, I don't eat ice cream and I don't eat junk food candy ect ect. The big thing with me is that I cant eat breakfast. Experts say that breakfast is one of the most important meals. I just simply cannot eat early in the morning. It literally makes me want to puke. I don't typically eat anything until about noon.

Dad always told me I had a tapeworm....

I'm in the process of my transformation. I had a perfect storm happen to me and gained weight in the process. First I turned 30 and my metabolism slamed the brakes on. Met my girlfriend and now wife. Quit my side job at a horse farm where I threw 100 bales of hay a day and cleaned 30 stalls when I wasn't at the firehouse and then had 2 little girls that I ran daddy daycare for when not at the station. nThat and I made driver on my Ladder. In the past 8 years or so I went from 6'2" 190 and 10-11% body fat to right at 235-40 and who knows where I'm at body fat wise. I have been getting more active again now my girls are getting bigger and joined the YMCA. They have daycare so I can take them with me and they play while I swim 1 day a week and then lift and cardio 2 other days. At the station we have started climbing stairs every shift. We are in the highrise district so its easy to do. The other day I did 76 flights. Which is pretty good for me. My best time is 52 flights in 14.23. We have a game plan of once a month doing a full turnout climb as a litmus test to see how we are improving. We're doing it as a company so that help the motivation. My biggest problem Is my diet. I have a horrible sweet tooth and kind of a junk food junky. However I'm working on it.
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Perhaps a thread for the thin man needs to be started, Mallard, it sounds like we are cut from the same clothe minus the breakfast thing, I eat all day much to the demise of the family budget. A regimented workout lands me in the same boat, the great white Ethiopian, I'm guessing I'm a bit taller than you at 6'5" but not much heavier, I hang around 185 and have been here since 2002. It would be interesting to see if the real educated fitness and diet types on here have some guidance that we could glean.