The Shoot2hunt Podcast

I had never heard of the term Fudd until I had seen it posted here on Rokslide last year sometime. Do people actually use it in real life speak?

There was a short-lived campaign here at one point to get @Ryan Avery to make a 'Fudds gonna Fudd' Rokslide t-shirt.

By 'short lived', I might be meaning that it was just one post. By me.
Voice change is really no big deal.
You do realize their are people with jobs that don't allow them to have public profiles or need to keep photos or voices discreet as not to compromise their identity.
Yep. More than a few people in that boat here.

Carry on, everyone.
I have a feeling JVB would never have the balls to debate Form on a podcast.....that's what we ALL want though.....
So far I've heard JVB basically take things out of context, and twist the issue to fit his narrative.....talking about a larger cartridge is a superior if you shoot them through the Also talks sectional density, and never even mentions that fact Form has stated over and over about how 14 inches of penetration will kill anything in North America and has found a sierra tmk 77g sufficient.....maybe JVB is hunting Brontosaurs and needs more penetration.

JVB is grasping at straws and is married to his opinion. JVB not able to even mention Form or his name on the pod is absolutely childish....especially since he was okay to mention the Exo guys by name.

WE NEED A FORM VS JVB DISCUSSION. Somehow I think Form is absolutely open to the idea, and JVB isn't willing. Prove me wrong!!!
I actually messaged JVB and said that I thought it would be really interesting to hear him do a podcast with Form befor he released his latest 2 podcasts about how he doesn’t like the idea off smaller calibers for big game. He responded with something like he doesn’t want to give form a platform to further push his agenda. I really wanted to hear this not because I agree with one or the other but because I think it would be an interesting conversation.
I actually messaged JVB and said that I thought it would be really interesting to hear him do a podcast with Form befor he released his latest 2 podcasts about how he doesn’t like the idea off smaller calibers for big game. He responded with something like he doesn’t want to give form a platform to further push his agenda. I really wanted to hear this not because I agree with one or the other but because I think it would be an interesting conversation.
Sounds like a liberal.
This is exactly what I've been thinking. This argument mirrors almost exactly the COVID thing. Trust the science!! While presenting no science. Then the other side presents data and are called names. So weird.

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It’s to bad really. There is no doubt that JVB definitely has some experience with different calibers and bullets on lots of different game and hunting situations. It would be interesting to listen to a good civil conversation between people on both sides of the caliber debate. I feel like JVB along with alot of his listeners heard killing big game with a .223 and then missed a lot of the main points that Form was trying to make in the podcast he did
This is exactly what I've been thinking. This argument mirrors almost exactly the COVID thing. Trust the science!! While presenting no science. Then the other side presents data and are called names. So weird.

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In this house,
We believe:
Small calibers shoot better
Match bullets kill shit
Wound channels are science
Girly coffee is manly coffee
Scotch is better
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As far as manly or girly drinks go, where does Madeira and Sherry fall in that spectrum? If I had endless money, I think I likely wouldn't ever drink anything other than 100 year old Madeira.

Madeira was Jefferson's favorite.
Joseph Von Benedikt from the Backcountry Hunting podcast. For his last two episodes, he’s been “scientifically” chewing us out for thinking small calibers work great on game.
I listened to that shit today
He obviously just made up that nonsense letter from NZ, it was laughable
What a wast of an hour, what a pompous ass
As far as manly or girly drinks go, where does Madeira and Sherry fall in that spectrum? If I had endless money, I think I likely wouldn't ever drink anything other than 100 year old Madeira.

Madeira was Jefferson's favorite.


One of those is named for a lady and the other was preferred by a guy only seen in a ruffled blouse.
I listened to that shit today
He obviously just made up that nonsense letter from NZ, it was laughable
What a wast of an hour, what a pompous ass
In his second podcast a lot of the peoples comments sure sounded like the people that had to comment about how you are idiot to kill anything bigger than a coyote in the .223 thread without actually reading the thread
I listened to that shit today
He obviously just made up that nonsense letter from NZ, it was laughable
What a wast of an hour, what a pompous ass
I haven't listened to it, and have better things to do.

But if the letter from NZ was from Nathan Foster ... disregard. A few posts on here by Form, myself, and others about why.