I have a feeling JVB would never have the balls to debate Form on a podcast.....that's what we ALL want though.....
So far I've heard JVB basically take things out of context, and twist the issue to fit his narrative.....talking about a larger cartridge is a superior if you shoot them through the paunch......wtf? Also talks sectional density, and never even mentions that fact Form has stated over and over about how 14 inches of penetration will kill anything in North America and has found a sierra tmk 77g sufficient.....maybe JVB is hunting Brontosaurs and needs more penetration.
JVB is grasping at straws and is married to his opinion. JVB not able to even mention Form or his name on the pod is absolutely childish....especially since he was okay to mention the Exo guys by name.
WE NEED A FORM VS JVB DISCUSSION. Somehow I think Form is absolutely open to the idea, and JVB isn't willing. Prove me wrong!!!