Ok since I keep reading about this without an account I figured I would register and give my two sense.
Retail has no idea what they are doing and this is in no way sticking it to Wall Street. Creating a squeeze affects a few shorts but overall all you have done is enrich Wall Street. GME‘s largest holders are the likes of Black Rock and so forth, retail buying and driving the price up has made Wall Street billions as they dump their massive holdings into the new DUMB money ( Retail ) as we like to call it. Please only gamble with money you folks are willing to loose since thats surely what is occurring without most folks knowledge of basic market functions.
Retail has no idea what they are doing and this is in no way sticking it to Wall Street. Creating a squeeze affects a few shorts but overall all you have done is enrich Wall Street. GME‘s largest holders are the likes of Black Rock and so forth, retail buying and driving the price up has made Wall Street billions as they dump their massive holdings into the new DUMB money ( Retail ) as we like to call it. Please only gamble with money you folks are willing to loose since thats surely what is occurring without most folks knowledge of basic market functions.