The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

No, it tried via Robinhood. I will check from the Fidelity side of things.
RH says my account is deactivated this morning. I checked the status of my transfer with fidelity and its missing all my nok and some of my money. So now I can't do anything with my shares or my money from either platform and it looks like I have a battle ahead to even get all my shit. I would suggest not transferring. Just sell and gtfo of RH
Does anyone think GME doesn't freefall this afternoon. Is anyone really going to want to hold that over the weekend?
Probably already been discussed but is there a way to use the tactic to pump up firearms companies like Colt? I'm pretty ignorant on the subject, I've just been sorta trying to read up on it and enjoying the frenzy
That's basically what happened. The little guy used their gamed and corrupt trading system against the elite and they are pissed off. You can really see how all big tech, social media, media, finance and the govt are connected in their immediate coordinated reaction. That should really be concerning.

This is far and away my biggest take away from all this. Google has deleted almost 100,000 negative reviews for the RH app. ¨Free market¨ my ass.

Iḿ an index fund dude, so I haven´t taken part in the uprising here, but I´m interested to see how the SEC responds to all this.

RH sure seems selective with it´s concerns over ¨volatility.¨
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This is far and away my biggest take away from all this. Google has deleted almost 100,000 negative reviews for for the RH app. ¨Free market¨ my ass.

Iḿ an index fund dude, so I haven´t taken part in the uprising here, but I´m interested to see how the SEC responds to all this.

RH sure seems selective with it´s concerns over ¨volatility.¨
I thought the email that RH sent out was funny as hell. It was something to the effect of this was done to protect you from losing money.

The thing I dont understand is there is no protections in place to stop me from losing money in the stock market. In order for someone to make money in the stock market someone has to lose. There is no way to protect anyone from losing. Its only an issue when its a large amount of money and its big corp losing.
I thought the email that RH sent out was funny as hell. It was something to the effect of this was done to protect you from losing money.

The thing I dont understand is there is no protections in place to stop me from losing money in the stock market. In order for someone to make money in the stock market someone has to lose. There is no way to protect anyone from losing. Its only an issue when its a large amount of money and its big corp losing.

I watched the CEO get interviewed on CNBC and it was, uh, awkward. To say the least.

Itś been hilarious watching these Wall Street folks bitch about how this sort of thing has to be regulated. I feel like this has pulled back the curtain on this sham in a pretty unprecedented way.
Sold my Novavax and Moderna this morning. First time ever messing with individual stocks and it worked out pretty well. Trying to decide if I re-invest or take the cash out and be done. The money is good but I feel like it was mostly luck. Plus I don’t really enjoy keeping tabs on stocks.
I watched the CEO get interviewed on CNBC and it was, uh, awkward. To say the least.

Itś been hilarious watching these Wall Street folks bitch about how this sort of thing has to be regulated. I feel like this has pulled back the curtain on this sham in a pretty unprecedented way.
I have always loved watching big corporations yell and scream for no regulation until it benefits them. Same thing happened when pot was legalized.
If you can still buy TOPS in RH, then they don’t give a crap if you lose money. Calling BS on that. Otherwise why would they have force sold GME on people at the lowest point yesterday?

This guy had 4500 shares of GME, worth 2.25 million or so at the top, and they lock him up, then force sell at the very bottom. I bet he gets his money in the suit.


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If you can still buy TOPS in RH, then they don’t give a crap if you lose money. Calling BS on that. Otherwise why would they have force sold GME on people at the lowest point yesterday?

This guy had 4500 shares of GME, worth 2.25 million or so at the top, and they lock him up, then force sell at the very bottom. I bet he gets his money in the suit.


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I wonder where that 4500 shares went.....
If you can still buy TOPS in RH, then they don’t give a crap if you lose money. Calling BS on that. Otherwise why would they have force sold GME on people at the lowest point yesterday?

This guy had 4500 shares of GME, worth 2.25 million or so at the top, and they lock him up, then force sell at the very bottom. I bet he gets his money in the suit.


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Good grief. Would love to hear how RH justified that and didn't think a lawsuit would happen.
Good grief. Would love to hear how RH justified that and didn't think a lawsuit would happen.
It's for his "protection"

Against becoming rich I guess...

Closing my account with them as soon as this craziness ends.
Primarily index (with a little crypto and real estate) invester here - whats the monday play on this crazy bird flipping wall street game?
It's a giant scam, protect the consumer my ass. Wall street does it everyday, and some idiots on an internet forum fought back, banded together and are bleeding a couple hedge funds in the billions. I think it's absolutely hilarious, and am rooting for the reddit community to hold, hold, and hold and some of these big guys will be in trouble. The arrogance of their position, I hope they get gutted.
If you can still buy TOPS in RH, then they don’t give a crap if you lose money. Calling BS on that. Otherwise why would they have force sold GME on people at the lowest point yesterday?

This guy had 4500 shares of GME, worth 2.25 million or so at the top, and they lock him up, then force sell at the very bottom. I bet he gets his money in the suit.

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That is freaking disgusting. I hope to god he gets damages in the total amount they stole, and I hope that there are equal punitive damages levied against RH, Citadel et al and the puppet masters behind them. Unfortunately we all know how the system works. Our gov't is completely corrupt like a rotted fish, from the head down.

Who's going to investigiate? The SEC? DOJ? FBI? They're all elitist, corrupt insects.
FWIW you can buy GME and AMC as of today through Fidelity. No fractional shares though. One more way to put the screws to regular folk I suppose.

This is my first time buying anything other than Vanguard index funds, but I can´t pass up the opportunity to participate in this kind of fun.

Hoping we can get this guy to cry on national television again.