Scroll back to post 11,083. I posted the FDIC EIDE calculator. I can use this calculator to create hypotheticals or look at your current accounts to view your coverage.
The jist of it is, paid on death beneficiaries, and joint accounts help you.
For example in my hypothetical world I have the following accounts all at the Bank I manage:
Acct #1. Joint with my wife and I with 500k no beneficiaries
Acct#2. Personal account for me with son #1 as paid on death beneficiary. $300,000 balance
Acct#3. Personal. Acct. For me with Daughter as POD beneficiary $300,000 balance.
Acct#4. Personal acct. For my wife with Son #2 as POD beneficiary. $300,000 balance
In this example my wife and I have a total of $1,400,000 at one bank. Of that $1,250,000 is insured and $150,000 is uninsured. This is because the accounts with paid on death incorporate my children on the account. So even if they don't have control of the account there is insurance to cover the funds that would flow to them upon my death.
The calculator is a great tool to play with as you can account for business accounts, personal accounts, trust accounts, etc and see what can be covered.