The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

View attachment 420578Well spy following 2008 pretty well, mortgage rates high! Housing should drop a little, then we should see new orders drop as manufacturers plan for a slow down. Next is earnings falling and finally unemployment jumps. Still in the beginning, looking forward to doubling my 401k after we get down lower.

313 spy is 35% dip, that’s where I plan to start scaling back into the market. 288 is the 40% bear market avg, so I’ll start a little early just incase we don’t make it all the way.

Can’t time the market so scaling is the way. Even if we dip 60% and I’m down from my entries, I’m still way ahead in a few years
Thank you. The information many on here provide to us less educated in the markets ways is invaluable.
View attachment 420578Well spy following 2008 pretty well, mortgage rates high! Housing should drop a little, then we should see new orders drop as manufacturers plan for a slow down. Next is earnings falling and finally unemployment jumps. Still in the beginning, looking forward to doubling my 401k after we get down lower.

313 spy is 35% dip, that’s where I plan to start scaling back into the market. 288 is the 40% bear market avg, so I’ll start a little early just incase we don’t make it all the way.

Can’t time the market so scaling is the way. Even if we dip 60% and I’m down from my entries, I’m still way ahead in a few years
Seems like the most probable scenario. Pile up some cash.
Yeah its all speculative when to start buying.. Unfortunately I just spent investment money on a motorcycle to prevent bleeding cash.... I still have my self managed retirement fund to play with I guess
Yes, I do still expect some great bear rallies before we are done, 10-15% bounces are very common. Everyone is so bearish I kind of expect one before long. They like to hose the bearish bets before they trap the bulls too haha

Yeah my guess is we are a couple weeks out from a good bounce. Then down another 50% from there. Though I just sold off my QQQ puts that I bought last monday. Can't ask for much better returns over a week.
From what I've seen from CW over the past year or so, I'd run in the opposite direction.

I'm going to make a note of ARKK and today's price and revisit it in 6-12 months.

Literally everything I've read said this has the potential to be a sustained bear market.

Good luck all,


P.S. CDEV is holing up quite well, I see.
Cosign. ARKK is the Jacob Internet Fund re-spun 20 years later. Her "analysts" have no unique insights other than "Hey, they're young people and they think this tech is cool". Some of the genomics companies in ARKG have promise, but you gotta put on your biotech glasses and hold your nose for the volatility.
And I know this is a stock traders thread, but feel my comment below is close enough to be germane.

BTC and ETH are very close to dropping below 20k and 1k, respectively, thresholds.

That will be a wild ride to see where the low ends up being foe those bad boys so fasten your seat belts if you are holding either.

And I know this is a stock traders thread, but feel my comment below is close enough to be germane.

BTC and ETH are very close to dropping below 20k and 1k, respectively, thresholds.

That will be a wild ride to see where the low ends up being foe those bad boys so fasten your seat belts if you are holding either.

It may say stock traders but I think the overall tune is investments in general.

I have about 600 bucks worth of ETH, not sure what my average is but I am sure I am down well over 50% on it. I bought it with the idea that if it can ever pay off my mortgage, I will sell it. Could be hero, could be a zero.

I do think that what is happening to the crypto world is further proof that the only hedge against inflation is tangible assets.
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Well done, congrats.
We are excited. It has been a long haul. When we were closing the real estate agent we worked with looked back and it was about 15 months ago that we contact him for the first time. A lot of "almosts" in that time frame and spans of three or four months with nothing in our price point.

We ended up in a bigger and nicer home than we wanted and that came with some extra cost but options were limited and overall, I think we did pretty good.
Stack cash. Don't think we bottom until the fed pivots and inflation heads the opposite way. My opinion based on looking at past high inflationary times.
I’m only sitting on 10% cash right now. If oil rebounds to the highs of two weeks ago I may exit and add to my cash position. GTE got me again, should have hit the sell at 2, ugh. I’m also in MRO, but considering a hold since it pay dividend. What do you oil guys think, hold with a dividend stock?
i put $1800 in ARKK ABOUT 18 months ago. Now at $750, down about 60%. Question is.… is it worth hanging on hoping forvsome recovery or do i just harvest the loss before it gets worse and move on. Smarter investors on here than me so your opinion please.
We are excited. It has been a long haul. When we were closing the real estate agent we worked with looked back and it was about 15 months ago that we contact him for the first time. A lot of "almosts" in that time frame and spans of three or four months with nothing in our price point.

We ended up in a bigger and nicer home than we wanted and that came with some extra cost but options were limited and overall, I think we did pretty good.

We just signed for our new home in AK today. I’m glad we got in when we did bc we were able to secure a much lower rate, then what it is today.

Enjoy the new place

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