The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

What are the collective thoughts on CDEV? Apparently a bunch of members of the Senate committee of Energy and Natural Resources just picked up O&G positions...
Closed on our house Monday afternoon. I am so glad we got in when we did with our interest rate. That shit is up 2% compared to what we got.
Congrats man, I know you’ve been at it for some time. Now that it’s done relax and let the projects begin.
Congrats man, I know you’ve been at it for some time. Now that it’s done relax and let the projects begin.
It was a long haul. The people selling it need it for a little bit longer while their house is finished. Havent even moved in and the projects are starting. Gotta get the garden area squared away and try to get some chicken coops built with a run. Didnt get to hunt that much last year and this year may be the same, unfortunately.
We ended up in a bigger and nicer home than we wanted and that came with some extra cost but options were limited and overall, I think we did pretty good.
Same closed last Sept at 2.625% on our forever home. All the space and amenities we need in a good area of town and the schools we want for the kiddos. Our payment would have been $700 more if we waited.

I'm curious what the penalty is for early withdraw.. I'm signing up an account right now
On my companies retirement plan I just rebalanced for bonds and asset backed mortgages.
You need to hold them a year. Then if you cash in before 5 years you forfeit 3 months interest. no need to hold in a tax sheltered account as they are fed tax free. Best deal going for guaranteed income right now though!
i put $1800 in ARKK ABOUT 18 months ago. Now at $750, down about 60%. Question is.… is it worth hanging on hoping forvsome recovery or do i just harvest the loss before it gets worse and move on. Smarter investors on here than me so your opinion please.
I dumped my stocks, they will continue to dip in my opinion. My meager portfolio was as diversified as you can get, all but two were earners, this last 8 months has been brutal! Domestically, people are losing confidence, the fed is trying hard to fend off inflation, but some old man is making it impossible (no names). We still have two more years of this- lol. I plan to buy later, just got tired of playing the long game and watching the fall. It’s not like you’re locked in a 401k, make a move when you need to, in my opinion.
so buy in at that point?
For me, yes. I'd be willing to gamble $10 grand for a chance to turn it into $100 grand or maybe even much more.

One needs to truly be long term (3-5 years) for BTC to realize its chance if it's going to be a viable alternative to fiat currency.

Good luck,


P.S. The one concern I have now, and I'll look into on its march downward, is how to protect my wallet. I know of hard wallets or some such, I'm just not knowledgeable/comfortable enough yet on the storage options for BTC.
Last year at this time or there about BTC tanked pretty good and recovered. After which, I thought it's too main stream to go to zero now. I might have been wrong.

I put a grand on eth when it dipped last winter based on that thought. Fully ready for that to be gone.
Divi time coming out there...
NYMT declared they will maintain .10 a share for June, annual @ .40 a share.

Saw NAIL being pumped a bit on Barrons this weekend = home builder down big time, might be worth a peek. $123 around new years, now $20. Down 45% this week.
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TL;DR A lot of the institutional selling last week turned out to be hedge funds shorting. We should see a squeeze earlier in the week followed by continued market softness.
I suspect a dead cat bounce, but still somewhat impressive given the BTC and ETH drops over the past few weeks.

Both back over 20k and 1k so maybe they'll hold here, but I doubt it. :eek:

