For better or worse, I got into RSX this afternoon at 10.87. It’s a small amount and purely a gamble. I actually feel kinda dirty for buying it…
In 2017-2018 they were experimenting with high density drilling (which failed) and they had to revert to their wider spread practice, which improved returns but reduced the overall value of their assets.I'm still trying to learn how to sort through the data and stuff, but what is holding LPI down? Likely to return to what it was 3-4 years ago or has something fundamentally changed with them?
Congrats! Well played.My 6000 shares of CEQP I bought last year hit sell order today. I collected two dividends and made 22 per cent. My 150 shares of UPST I bought last month just hit sell order to free up some cash. 34 per cent gain. Ovid hit sell order just now took 27 per cent gain.
Sitting on around 50 per cent cash now on trading account. Hopefully have patience to hold out in these crazy times. Hoping for some bargains in the future in these chaotic times. Curious reaction after state of the union this week
I was a weak hand. Sold my majority. Still have a little dabble left.PGas up 150%, c'mon girl....but weak handz there..
CDEV tasting the mighty $9.00....
I did the same thing. Got in around 20/share, planned on holding for 10 plus year but got weak and sold around 45/share. I have a buy order in for 20 again. Maybe I will be in the same boat as you soon.Bought LCID last year in September after seeing their plant in Mesa, at $19.99 a share. When it went north of $50 I honestly felt like I was holding fools gold, just felt way over priced, so I sold all my shares in November. I told my friend this when I did it, and that I was going to buy back in at double the shares when it went back under $25. He said, there's no way it'll get back to $25 a share. Order filled after hours last night, I'm back in.
You might be! I have a third order in just for this week at $23 to average down a little if it keeps falling.I did the same thing. Got in around 20/share, planned on holding for 10 plus year but got weak and sold around 45/share. I have a buy order in for 20 again. Maybe I will be in the same boat as you soon.
WTI | - 104.40 |
Anything to look at in BP? Down 7% this month with oil pushing over $100 a barrel, and only going higher.
Blasted through the $100 mark.Holy cow.....
WTI - 104.40