So my 17 yo son has been ”day trading” on his fake account, essentially buying and selling HGLC in addition to getting into KMPH around 6.00 for over a 400% gain just in the last month. He feels he has burnt all of the candle in HGLC and is moving on.
I have a fidelity custodial account set up for him to start trading for real here in the next week. My question is, I know fidelity isn’t a good platform for day trading, matter a fact, I think you get a warning or two and then they shut you down or something along those lines.
So, if he wanted to continue his “day trading habits” what Platform is the best for him to do so, obviously it will need to be a custodial account.
I know I know, likely not the best time to continue to do so until things calm down, just planning ahead. He’ll keep the fidelity account and get in to some etf’s and long term holds.