The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Good job on taking the profits today. I was busy at work and wasn’t able to take them today. Not sure why it dropped back down so fast.

Great call!

I did, I’ve bought and sold it twice now. Cashed out this afternoon and bought back in at closing. Im holding in long term, but couldn’t resist taking some profits. hopefully the app hits.

Any insight on why it dropped so much this afternoon?
Every time I think SOXL cant get lower I am wrong. But when I make a little I just keep buying more. Its bound to pay off. Its not like a semiconductor shortage is going to just fix itself.

I agree. I was just looking at the March selloff, it went 70% or so, it’s down about 30% now. If we have a large panic sell I’ll be buying a lot of that with the IRA for a long hold

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There are many good ones, I prefer WB app so I can trade on the phone when I’m on the go. If you set up. Cash account, you can do as many day trades as you want, it just takes 2 days to settle after selling shares, 1 day after selling options.

For instance today I did 11 day trades, using 1/4 of my account. Tomorrow those will show as unsettled and unavailable to trade with. I still have the other 3/4 left, so you have to keep some powder dry or you could have a day with no funds to purchase shares with.

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Don't you have to have 25k in your account to not get flagged/suspended for day trading?
I don't think the stimulus will do anything in terms of a market response. It's already a consensus that it is happening, and I feel it is baked in.

I feel the main driver is going to be if the feds decide to keep rates down and manipulate that curve. At some point they will let rates climb, then we will have to start answering to some national debt calls, and soon folks won't want to hold the dollar (our debt). Personally I'm transitioning to cash as the market allows (i.e., trying to not realize 20+% loss, but will realize a 5% if I feel it's needed). I might move 25% of my positions into investments outside the US (i.e. emerging markets) but that certainly carries some risk as well.

Just my .02

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Cash is a position..

Oil still looks strong..

Get clean

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I don't think the stimulus will do anything in terms of a market response. It's already a consensus that it is happening, and I feel it is baked in.

I feel the main driver is going to be if the feds decide to keep rates down and manipulate that curve. At some point they will let rates climb, then we will have to start answering to some national debt calls, and soon folks won't want to hold the dollar (our debt). Personally I'm transitioning to cash as the market allows (i.e., trying to not realize 20+% loss, but will realize a 5% if I feel it's needed). I might move 25% of my positions into investments outside the US (i.e. emerging markets) but that certainly carries some risk as well.

Just my .02

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Rates will need to stay down or the feds will lose control of being able to afford the interest

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Work in tax, I'm aware. Those funds are in IRAs, so not consequential. Wondering if I should dump those for a stable dividend payer. Don't think most of those companies will go away, save the cannabis. Maybe.
A lot of the stocks you listed are recovery plays. Do you feel like the cruise lines and airlines price recovery is fully realized?
Don't you have to have 25k in your account to not get flagged/suspended for day trading?

With a margin acct yes, you have to have 25k, then you get instant settlement and unlimited day trades. With a cash acct the rules change to 1/2 day settlement instead of instant settle and 3 day trades.

Also on Webull, if you trade using unsettled funds, as long as you use less than $1000 unsettled in 24 hours you can trade with the unsettled funds. So you want to make a quick scalp on a good stock or buy right after selling, you can as long as you don’t sell more than $1000 of it within 24 hrs

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Any thoughts on BUZZ? Supposed to start trading today. I use Fidelity and it was not even searchable last night, but appears this morning.
Any thoughts on BUZZ? Supposed to start trading today. I use Fidelity and it was not even searchable last night, but appears this morning.

Zero data available for anything I can find at the moment on both Fidelity and RobinDaHood
WOW, you're not just a little bearish. Your downright NEGATIVE.
I'm just being a realist, there's conservatively 300+ billion in bubble in market cap just in ev/weed/tech. Not to mention the spac bubble, we're trading on blue sky instead of metrics on half of the market.

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Appreciate your DD and updates. We need to stay frosty with the penny stocks (and meme plays) if guys are in them and not holding long term. I'm hedged heavily into OG and REITS and hopefully they'd absorb some EV, weed, BTC stocks, etc. carnage on a market bloodbath, they have so far.
Looking for one-two rotations to tech to get green and gtho. Fingers crossed.

Edit>>>>the two things that this precarious market has going for it are stimulus and vaccinations. People want the country to open up and there is a pent-up desire to spend, travel, simply LIVE. Naturally this isn't a chart, purely anecdotal.
If things can get back to normal soon and folks have money it will help market sentiment overall.

The long term implications with inflation and the dollar? Horrendous,.....but .......that bodes well for oil.
The MKT cap bubble needs to be addressed..
The way CDEV is going you might be at $150K this week still!
Nah, she'll come back to Earth. This run is cool, but not realistic for a bottom. Hopefully $3.90-$4 is in the real view mirror for good. Time will tell.

Oil and REITS are green today, hopefully guys went there over the last few months to hedge the OTC bets....
Nah, she'll come back to Earth. This run is cool, but not realistic for a bottom. Hopefully $3.90-$4 is in the real view mirror for good. Time will tell.

Oil and REITS are green today, hopefully guys went there over the last few months to hedge the OTC bets....

I don't know, I think the general public might be realizing oil and gas stocks are the few stocks that are still a value and I think lots of money is going to start flowing that direction in buy orders.