I never had bought stocks in my life. Just have the 401k from my job. March 23rd of last year I decided to gamble with individual stocks. Original plan was make a few thousand bucks and pocket it, then not mess with it anymore. I bought into airlines, hotels, oil companies, home improvement companies, banks, and credit cards. Made awesome returns so far. Average of 50% so far. After seeing what it grew to, I decided to keep the TD Ameritrade account and use it as a second retirement. I am going to wait and get past my year (will cut taxes in half) and then sell most of the individual stocks and put into SPY and QQQ. Going to shoot for 33% QQQ, 33% SPY, 33% individual stocks. My individuals will be stocks like. HD, LOW, COF, NEE. If I can average 10%/yr return until I retire, my little stock gamble will turn into over $500k by the time I retire. I maybe a little ambitious on plan, but it's my plan