The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Anyone else in gsat? Qualcomm announced it’s including Globalstar's Band n53 in the new 5G X65 modem and it went up over 80% yesterday and is at 25%+ today.

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I have made a good chunk of change off the micropenny stuff but its a little scary. I always play with little amounts 100-200 bucks. I dont really understand them but Fred has rarely been wrong so I trust him. I will get my ass handed to me on one of them sometime.

If I had held my HCMC until the peak yesterday, I would have turned 200 bucks in to 10,000.00. That one stings a little bit.

Still holding 3,800,000 shares. Going to ride it out and hope I don’t regret hanging on.
Really I was hoping to see some material corrections, this whole YTD has been way too exuberant in the penny space. I'm trying to get rich this decade, not this month. I am as loaded up as I want to be on TSNP and ABML and I have no other darlings in the pipeline right now but open to some good DD I have cash on the sidelines.
Its at least easier to not panic when everything goes red together... im still holding to HCMC, still up on the day, would love to see it close in the. 0045 range today!
I look forward to the day where you can transfer money in one click and its' instantly available to use/trade instead of waiting and waiting........Fidelity you are killing me.
Still holding 3,800,000 shares. Going to ride it out and hope I don’t regret hanging on.
I ended up picking up some more after selling out to early. Bought 150,000 and am currently up ~425% on those. I may sell enough to cover my initial investment and then let the house money ride until the lawsuit is over.
Its at least easier to not panic when everything goes red together... im still holding to HCMC, still up on the day, would love to see it close in the. 0045 range today!
Best I can tell, the young new millionaires I read from on ST bought into some of these micro-penny or penny stocks with five figure buys. And then they held for several months.

Hey, that good fortune is unlikely to happen to us mere mortals, but to give such a thing a chance we have to have a. enough shares, b. luck to be into a dynamite company with huge upside and c. patience through what looks like big gains. The really big money has to be earned with diamond hands.

That could backfire, it is what it is.
Gemologists tell us that the highest quality diamonds endured the most pressure.
I look forward to the day where you can transfer money in one click and its' instantly available to use/trade instead of waiting and waiting........Fidelity you are killing me.

That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I opened a new account and put money in on the 4th and just got the 313112 again. I still feel like I’m doing something wrong. Are you guys using brokerage or fidelity cash management?

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I look forward to the day where you can transfer money in one click and its' instantly available to use/trade instead of waiting and waiting........Fidelity you are killing me.
Fidelity not too good for day type or swing trading on big market swings. One of the negatives.
That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I opened a new account and put money in on the 4th and just got the 313112 again. I still feel like I’m doing something wrong. Are you guys using brokerage or fidelity cash management?

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Im using both
My current issue is "cash available to trade" versus "settled cash". The "cash available" is obviously sufficient for the trade as it's on its way over from the bank and shows in my Fidelity account it is available. The "settled cash" however is not settled yet and does not take into account the "incoming cash" and therefore is limiting me from putting a buy order in at a set limit. If it were a buy order at "market price" I think it would go through, however since this is a penny stock, I can't do a market price order but rather at limit order. It's painful.
I'm the low/no debt type of guy that generally does boring investing in 401k and mutual funds. But I've also been known to drink too much and stay up too late in Vegas playing Wheel of Fortune. So I've dipped my toe into single stock trading but with pretty minimal amounts of money. $50 here, $100 there. I'm pretty clueless but it's entertaining at least. I don't know that I'll ever have the balls to throw around big money but it's fun to watch other people do it, lol!
My current issue is "cash available to trade" versus "settled cash". The "cash available" is obviously sufficient for the trade as it's on its way over from the bank and shows in my Fidelity account it is available. The "settled cash" however is not settled yet and does not take into account the "incoming cash" and therefore is limiting me from putting a buy order in at a set limit. If it were a buy order at "market price" I think it would go through, however since this is a penny stock, I can't do a market price order but rather at limit order. It's painful.
Get Webull, don't need to deal with only doing limit orders on pennies and has AH/Premarket early trading.

Bunch of us have it and it's been solid.

Here's a referral link.

How to open a brokerage account and get free stocks, Open and fund your account to receive free stock - Webull