The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

I'm so irritated right now. I've literally waited patiently for 6 months, holding a sizeable bag of GTE. This morning, I see it creeping up and think to myself, "hey self, you should sell if it approaches .60, then buy back in when it inevitably sinks back below .50! You should really get right on that, self, you savvy trader, you!" So I set a sell order (below my purchase price, mind you), only to see the order trigger almost immediately as the stock price blows right past my original purchase price and far beyond. I literally couldn't have worse timing. LOL!!!
I sold my gte at .74. I was kind of shocked at the jump this morning.
Anyone else watching RIDE/ WKHS? Think I might pick up some of the former if it dips much more. EVs seem like a pretty solid mid term play
Due to recent volatility in certain securities and to reduce risk of market volatility, we will be placing restrictions on certain securities, including increased margin requirements and/or limiting transactions. Game Stop (GME) and AMC Entertainment Holdings (AMC) are now blocked for opening transactions and they have also been moved to a 100% margin requirement for existing positions. Additionally, opening orders for GME and AMC will be cancelled including Day and Good-till-Cancelled (GTC) orders.
This is what Merrill Investments is showing me this morning regarding GME and AMC. Seems shady.
I sold my gte at .74. I was kind of shocked at the jump this morning.
Nicely done. I left 25% on the table because I sold in a specific 15 minute span within a 6 month period. Seriously, I couldn't have worse timing. But that's part of the game, I reckon.
If anyone sees any other lawsuits, post em up. I will jump on board any. If you can, take screenshots of denied trading actions and error messages.

AMC is starting the bounce, lets ride! Really would have loved to load up again at 7 and 8...
Can someone explain to a complete moron (me) what’s happening with this madness. I got into a rabbit hole of what was going on with gme yesterday. Which brought me to reading crap on Reddit . Which got me dropping a few hundred bucks on nok and nakd. I have no idea what I’m doing, and probably should’ve used that money for a new spotting scope .

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Ive put a bit into XSPA...a risky play but right now prices are low and I'm thinking theres some upside with the Biden administration and likely mandated testing for domestic and international travel