The Rokslide 95 (Ruger American šŸ˜)

Yes they are 1ā€ squares.
Mine did not come with a thread protector. Just the brake. I used a thread protector my buddy had on hand.
As far as recoil goes, this think is almost as mild as a 223 even without the brake.
Itā€™s about 9# the way it sits and it is noticeably less recoil than the 10# 243 I have.
And I know this is all based on ā€œfeelā€ so very subjective.
I wouldnā€™t hesitate to put an average 10 year old boy or 11/12 year old girl behind one without a brake.
Also understand that I am by no means trying to convince you of anything at all.
I fully understand that you know your wifeā€™s abilities and limitations far better than I do.
Iā€™m just trying to describe how the recoil of a rifle feels to me to a stranger over the internet. šŸ˜

BLJ, thanks for your quick answer.

I think this will be a good way to go. Kathy doesn't really care to shoot her Savage 11 Trophy Hunter in 308 any more, but she's comfortable shooting my bolt 223 Winchester 70 Lightweight with a laminated stock, so it's time to get her a deer rifle she's more comfortable shooting. I think the 6mm ARC would be a good way to go. Light recoiling and can still be effective to beyond the distances we have to shoot where we hunt.

Thanks again, BLJ
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