The Best Backcountry Pillow, that you already have!

That's the rub, its either cold enough to wear the puffy or hot enough to leave it at home.

If you are going with a purchased pillow, our multipurpose Triple S pillow is 7 ounces. Its not quite as comfortable as a good travel pillow, but it is enough support and soft for me. To sleep, I slide it inside a neck gaiter for more comfort, and can add a little height with a t-shirt stuffed in. I almost always have it on my pack when hunting. Folded over or flat gives you two heights.

This thing is awesome. Got one last season. Incredibly comfortable Glassing seat, good pillow, and extremely functional rear bag for shooting. I was able to take out my inflatable pillow, z seat glassing pad, and a mini rear bag I used to carry. Net loss of weight in the bag by several ounces.

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I used to feel the same way, but having the combination of down with the exact amount of loft (that works for you), that air provides is a game changer. At 6.2 oz. the pillow that I have is definitely not the lightest, but the quality of sleep I get from having a good pillow is well worth it for me.
Air plus pillow on top is good for comfort and support. I have done that. I need the comfort after using rolled up pants, rain fear and other stuff.

I agree that just air is terrible… I don’t like it at all.
The new Argali pillow is pretty great. Super soft top and has a zipper so you can add clothing to adjust density as you like. We each used one this year and agreed we liked it more than most of the air pillows we’ve tried.

For air pillows the nicest we found were the ones from Nemo. But the Argali for us had more of a home feel to it.

The new Argali pillow is pretty great. Super soft top and has a zipper so you can add clothing to adjust density as you like. We each used one this year and agreed we liked it more than most of the air pillows we’ve tried.

For air pillows the nicest we found were the ones from Nemo. But the Argali for us had more of a home feel to it.

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This system looks awesome. I’ve always wondered why somebody didn’t make pillows built in….now we just gotta convince them to add some thin elastic bands to the bottom of the bag so the sleeping pad never migrates during the night

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I've got a couple of $9 inflatable pillows off Amazon. Maybe 3 oz a piece. Inflate to desired firmness and sleep well. Fit perfect inside the hood of a sleeping bag. The surface is comfortable, if not slide it inside of something.
I feel like a spokesperson for GooseFeet, but man I’m just so happy with the stuff I’ve purchased from him/them. Everything they make is 100% customizable, and all made in the US. The cinch strap on this pillow goes around your pad to keep it from sliding around while you sleep (especially convenient if you’re using a quilt).






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I feel like a spokesperson for GooseFeet, but man I’m just so happy with the stuff I’ve purchased from him/them. Everything they make is 100% customizable, and all made in the US. The cinch strap on this pillow goes around your pad to keep it from sliding around while you sleep (especially convenient if you’re using a quilt).






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How much fill did you get? And is that a medium? Thanks!
I'm a fan of the zenbivy pillow. I went with the larger size with the bladder, pillow case, and the down plush insert. Regular size is 6oz large size is 8oz and they pack into nothing.

Bonus points is that they clip into the head of the bag and don't go missing in the middle of the night.
$20 on Amazon. I'm on my second year with mine.

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I feel like a spokesperson for GooseFeet, but man I’m just so happy with the stuff I’ve purchased from him/them. Everything they make is 100% customizable, and all made in the US. The cinch strap on this pillow goes around your pad to keep it from sliding around while you sleep (especially convenient if you’re using a quilt).






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This look like the ticket thanks for sharing pictures

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I'm unfortunately a very picky sleeper, and overall a down topper to an inflatable pillow has been the best solution for me. I can't stand a pillow that loses loft, so a pillow simply stuffed with my puffy layers is a no-go. The supportive portion underneath the soft top is a must. I definitely envy those of you, as well as my wife, who can just fall asleep anywhere!

The Zenbivy pillow I bought this past year has far-and-away been my favorite, with the Nemo Fillo being my go-to before that.

Same basic setup as @Schoolhousegrizz video, but I'll happily carry the extra tiny volume to avoid giving up the option of wearing my puffy at night if there's the possibility of a temp drop.