The Most Unnecessary Sh*t

Used to dump rocks in each others packs on breaks as a wildland fire fighter in college. Nothing sucked more than to find out you were packing a 5 pound rock around all day on the fire line.
On my honeymoon my new bride was kickin' my butt hiking all over the mountains of Alberta. I had enough, so every time I took a drink out of her water bottle, I would sneak a small rock back in her fanny pack. I filled that thing up... so much that I was still faking to drink water, though the water bottle was empty. I started setting rocks on top of the fanny pack. THEN she turned around and a few rocks fell on the ground.... Yeah, that was when my grade school dodge ball skills were required of me. That was 20 years ago this June. She still puts up with me!
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Long before I had the means to backpack hunt I actually used a 6500ci backpack AND filled a wheel barrow up with regular camping stuff (hatchet, full size shovel, Coleman stove with propane canisters, 12 lb tent...). I did this for a solo hunt where you couldn't camp at the gate. I went in a mile and a half with that darn wheel barrow, set up my camp, and stayed for 5 days. Never saw a single person. One of the most memorable hunts I have ever done.
I admit I have not read everyone's input.

We rafted the John Day at the end of archery hunting deer and scouting for sheep. I told my buddies, who were both pretty green to pretend we were backpacking due to the low water flows that time of year.

One of the guys brought a 3 pound bag of individually wrapped certs mints from Costco along with a bunch of other shit. Shaner, if you ever read this, it still makes me laugh. Turned out to be an epic trip though.


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My first trip out west taught me all i needed to know
I had so much crap in my pack i was wheezing like a dog with distemper after the first mile in
When we got to the area where we were going to hunt I was soaking wet with sweat and freezing to death
I spent that first morning hovering over my zippo and really didnt care if i saw anything
Now I carry just exactly what is necessary and extras
Used to dump rocks in each others packs on breaks as a wildland fire fighter in college. Nothing sucked more than to find out you were packing a 5 pound rock around all day on the fire line.
A few years ago my buddy drew the weneha big bull tag, and in those canyon bottoms there were some cool lava rocks, and I packed several out of those holes… the first time I pulled a couple football sized rocks out of my pack back at camp, they asked where I found that… he was shaking his head when I told him.

I’m a rock hound to my own detriment, but I came home with some kick ass rocks… if there was the same type of rock more easily recovered, I would have grabbed them, but the cool ones just happened to live in those canyon bottoms
My first backpack hunting trip I packed close to 10 pounds of food for 5 days. Big mistake I found out as I hardly ate any of it. Learned a lot of lessons that format trip.
My buddy packed a 1.5" thick wildflower book so he could look up species along the way. I think he threw it into the woods on the second night while everyone was around the fire.