The Last Ram

Awesome story and fantastic ram. The stories and memories of all the experiences a sheep hunt with great friends offers are just as good if not better than the time in the mountains itself. Driving from Tok to Fairbanks to get my Wrangell ram sealed and to the taxidermist last August around the time frame you were in the sheep mountains, I remember looking up at the socked in mountains in the DCUA from the highway and thinking "those poor lucky sheep hunters are going to have rough and wet hunt". Glad you were able to make your last sheep hunt the last one on your terms and I'm sure it was a bitter sweet moment.
Fantastic story…Great ram…congrats. I too am nearing the end of my sheep hunting career. God willing, I have two left in me. My knees are my weak spot and the mountains are no place for bad knees. What a lifetime of memories Snyd.
That's a great writeup of a great hunting adventure man. I hope I'm able to get in some of these big out west adventure hunts in the not too distant future myself. Hoping for some epic hunts in Hawaii here soon.
Great write up and congratulations on 20 years of memories in the sheep mountains. Sounds like you have lived a life most of us dream of, and getting to go out on your own terms is what life is all about.
Wow what a adventure, thanks for sharing your story.
I have another sheep hunt next Jan, last one? I’m starting to wonder....