I haven't noticed that effect much with GOHUNT, I think just having data on draw results, herd numbers, etc. has been a positive thing. However I have noticed a big trend since OnX made all those filters a few years back. When they came out with the filter where you can set how far away from a road/trail an area is, I found more hunters farther back in those areas. This was in both Colorado and Idaho. That being said, from 2014-2018 I can remember hiking at least 3-4 miles in to find elk. 2019 to current it seems I get into more elk within 2 miles from the road. All this e-scouting technology and resources hasn't changed the old rule-get a mile away from the road/trail and you will find elk. All the OnX has done is add more hunters deep and seemed to push animals within a day hike distance. Which is fine because I would much rather sleep in my heated jumping jack camper with a big meal each night rather than my bivy sack 6 miles deep. As tasty as Peak refuel meals are they plug me up like a bear in the fall. Just my 2 cents.