The Gear List Thread

+1 on the game bags. I carry 4 48" cotton game bags and they come out to about 12 oz. 3 oz each is twice what yours come out to. What are you using?
2023 Alaska Solo Sheep List

I added some weight this year, mostly to increase my optics performance and make my shelter situation easier and more efficient as I found myself compromising camp spots in order to fit and be able to pitch a floorless shelter. Smaller footprint, warmer, more comfortable and much less time spent every day setting up my shelter were the driving factors.

Backpack may be changing from the SG Terminus to a new prototype Ultra fabric pack that has better load carrying ability and resistance to “barreling”. Stay tuned.

Kowa 77 to an 88

Swaro 10x32 NL’s to 10x42 NL’s

Gitzo GT1540 tripod to a RRS Ascend-14 with Anvil head. More stability, much better shooting platform.

MLD Duomid to Hilleberg Niak (Possibly without inner if conditions look ideal)

Barrett Fieldcraft cut and threaded from 21 to 18” and will be wearing a Rugged Alaska 360 ti. Swapping ammo from 6.5 CM Barnes 127 LRX to G9 Defense 113 Long Range Hunter ammo, a two part expanding brass projectile.

Last sheep hunt of 2022. September 20th, packing out a solo ram over 4 days. The Duomid held up, but due to wet ground and rocky terrain, it led me to pitching in multiple poor locations with high wind. I would have otherwise been able to pitch the Niak in a more sheltered area.

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^ looks good :) I'm bringing a Niak for my upcoming sheep hunt (Brooks Range); I've got a couple of lighter shelters that would probably do the trick- just not willing to go with "probably" on this trip :D

My buddy has a Tanager that he brought on a recent snowshoe trip- he loves his (unless it gets quite a bit warmer than expected)
^ looks good :) I'm bringing a Niak for my upcoming sheep hunt (Brooks Range); I've got a couple of lighter shelters that would probably do the trick- just not willing to go with "probably" on this trip :D

My buddy has a Tanager that he brought on a recent snowshoe trip- he loves his (unless it gets quite a bit warmer than expected)
Has your list changed much since your previous post in 2022 for your 5 day mule deer hunts? After packing out my mule deer last year, 42 years is catching up to me and I'm thinking I'll spend more $ and get some lighter gear. Since you live and hike in Montana and I'm a native I think our gear choices are very similar.
Has your list changed much since your previous post in 2022 for your 5 day mule deer hunts? After packing out my mule deer last year, 42 years is catching up to me and I'm thinking I'll spend more $ and get some lighter gear. Since you live and hike in Montana and I'm a native I think our gear choices are very similar.

My 5 day deer hunt was pretty bare boned, my Dall hunt will be less bare boned :D Heavier shelter (Niak), heavier optics, larger pack, little more clothing (including a pair of light trail runners for wading/camp lounging), maybe even a chair, but the lion's share of gear is the same.
This is my "bear" bones 3 day scouting setup (no kill kit, no weapon) I got to give a whirl last week prior to our Spring Bear season. Wasn't sure if the Tokeen would have enough volume, but it did. 21 lbs with 3 days of food & 3 lbs of water. Temps dropped to about freezing.



5 day deer hunt, elk would be basically the same

couple of notes- my sleep system includes a FF Flicker 30 degree bag combined with the 50 degree Apex quilt which rates to roughly 10 degrees, the Apex quilt is worn quite often when glassing in cold- double duty

in Montana my rain gear often gets left behind and substituted for a Sitka Flash saving roughly a pound

list is all in, including weight of rifle and optics




Sorry for pulling up an old post, but just noticed you had the MLD Spirit 48, I've been looking at it as a solution to condensation build up on my WM Badger during late season hunts. Was that the reason you got it in the first place, and if so has it worked to manage that?
Hi- I originally got it for a very light summers bag. As it turns out we rarely get down to near 50 degrees :D, soooo... I've been using to augment a lighter down bag- bumping the rating up (~20 degrees) and as it's used on the exterior, the vast majority of body moisture is deposited in the Apex quilt, vs the down bag.

I also use it as an emergency bag when day hunting and as an additional layer when glassing in the cold (it has a "poncho" hole so I can stick my head through it and drape it over my other layers).