Being born and raised in Idaho, I cut my teeth hunting in these mountains and hills, right outside our back door actually. I rarely remember not harvesting in the first few days of season. My example today is mule deer, I pulled these statistics from a general unit I grew up hunting and still hunt today.
Mule deer general season any weapons-
- Total Harvest- 528
- # of Hunters- 1258
- Success- 42%
- Antlered- 444
- Antlerless-80
- Total Harvest-178
- Hunters-971
- Success-18%
- Antlered-168
- Antlerless-10
The reason for my rant today is to shed some light on an overly discussed, under researched by average joe people topic. These stats are pretty average across the board of most general units.
My opinion? Either cap the tags, or follow suit with Wyoming. Our hunting oppurtunities are diminishing before our eyes. Fish and Game seems to not care. The facts dont lie, our experiences out in the field are real, and there is no preservation for the generations ahead of us.
Please comment your thoughts, write IDFG your opinions, and do your research.