The Elite Challenge

I took the elite challenge.. 2013 Elite Answer. 65 lbs. 420 grain arrow. Shuttle T Broadhead. 60 yard shot through a gap in the trees. Double lung pass through on a Montana 6x7.

I took the elite challenge.. 2013 Elite Answer. 65 lbs. 420 grain arrow. Shuttle T Broadhead. 60 yard shot through a gap in the trees. Double lung pass through on a Montana 6x7.

What draw length are you? Just curious as I have "heard" elites fall off fast. I am waiting to see what new bows come out and then buy.

Killed this bull with my e35..
28 inch. Im prolly only shooting 265ish fps. None of that matters IMO killed 2 elk in 2 days with it

Thanks! I really have never worried about speed but more so kinetic energy. I have a 27" dl so I just make sure I have enough kinetic energy every time. I am interested to see what elite comes out with this week for the 2016 line.
Shot the Energy 32 and my Hoyt CE is now my back-up. I am so much more accurate to 60 yards with the E32 it isn't even funny. I can hold that sucker at full draw forever.
Last year I shot everything I could get my hands on. Price was no concern. I have draw shoulder damage so I wanted a bow that had a nice draw cycle and easy to hold at full draw. I took home a synergy. Not a fast bow, but I really enjoy shooting it.
I've owned a Z28 and an Answer. Both were good bows, draw on the Z28 is hard to beat. Answer was more consistent for me in terms of repeatable hits. Then I had to go and demo an Xpedition.. Ended up selling the two and now run an X7. I like how the Elite's draw back, but my accuracy and consistency went way up with the X7. My experience is that both companies are top notch, I personally just shoot the X7 better.
Had a Gt500, been shooting an Ally for a few years, nice bow with similar limb stops, picked up a Matrix but just couldn't fall in love with the cable stops after shooting the Ally, although I shot an older Hoyt for a while also. Just picked up an E32, haven't had a chance to shoot it set up as i'm waiting for draw mods but its' a beautiful looking bow, hope to really test it out on a hunt in Jan.
I just made the mistake of shooting an impulse 34. Looks like I'll be selling my current bow and ordering one with 80 pound limbs.