The dumbest sh!t hunters say...

You KILL an animal and HARVEST the meat, although I still dont know any one that says 'come over and help me harvest the meat off this deer'. For the groups I run with for the past 40 some years all say 'shot' . 'I shot a nice 6 pt this morning, can you come help me butcher it?'
Hilarious thread.

Everybody’s a critic, including me.

But this does bring up an interesting point regarding democracy.

The 80% of non-hunters in the middle get to decide our hunting rights.

I would rather bring them in with friendly conversation, rather than chase them off with an “F U Snowflake!” Just so I can tell friends that already agree with me that I “owned the libs.”

“Harvest” has been used in game management since well before anyone posting here was ever born.
