The dumbest sh!t hunters say...

When you got photos of a buck at 1.5-6.5 years and it is finally big enough to shoot - so you harvest it. There is no hunting involved.

The only thing I really agreed with was the jab at the needing more hunters thing. The only folks who need more hunters are making money off em.
You can't eat the antlers-. Really means someone shot a young/small buck or a doe and they feel like they have to justify it.

I have accidentally put a few fawns through the haybine. Sometimes You can't see the little buggers even when you're watching for them. Tough to call it harvesting even though that's the closest approximation I have to "harvesting deer". After going through the rollers there isn't anything to salvage or harvest..

"Caught". Used in relation to hunting I've been asked if I "caught a deer" when I went hunting. As if I ran the animal down and tackled it...come to think of it, I did do that once but the deer had been hit by a car and was in deep snow.
The people who are triggered by the use of the word harvested in place of killed, are more annoying than those that use it.

Damn, I think I just insulted the people on both sides of this argument 🤔, but don’t feel special, I find everybody annoying…
I am a hunter, I kill animals, I eat the animals I kill, I am selective with the deer I kill, I respect the animals I hunt. I butcher the animals I kill. I say to hell with the antis and all the liberal bull shit they profess. I am an equal opportunity hater; I hate all people equally. Don't need no bullshit from anyone about anything and will not sand for it. A loner bye nature but do tolerate one or two others because they are just like me. Got no use for high fences it is fair chase 100% and getting too damn old and set in my ways to change. Us crusty old bastards are a dying breed, Best do as much hunting and killing as we can for the day is coming when all we have is memories of the wild places we so much enjoy.
They have nailed it again

Well, I guess I’ll be one of the odd men out, on this one. I thought the writer came across as an elitist holier than thou smug SOB.
He started off on the wrong foot. I ‘harvest’ most of my animals I take. That’s cuz my hunting season is 12 months out of the year. Being retired I spend almost every day of the year in the woods. Maybe that’s cuz I live in the woods. There isn’t a lot of ‘hunting’ I do. Mostly, just animals giving themselves up to me. Guess they wanted to ‘fill my freezer’.
Good for those of you that have a passion for chasing a particular kind of critter in some other state etc. Willing to spend thousands of dollars. Wear the ‘best’ gear. Scout your area for days on end. There are many of us that just enjoy our days in the outdoors and accept the opportunity to ‘catch’ a tasty animal now and then.
Love those years when I fill my tag opening morning... More time to fish, call coyotes, and small game hunt while my buddies are grinding it out.
Don't get me wrong. Tagging out opening morning isn't bad at all. It is just that if it happened every time I would miss spending more time "playing with" the Elk. They are really fun to hunt since they don't play fair......
So your a sadistic monster deriving pleasure from inflicting pain and death on innocent critters? And you don't even eat them... You make the poors eat your freshly harvested game! #REEEEEEEEEEEEE #SNOWFlAKEMELTDOWN #FIGHTCLUB
I go hunting, shoot and bring meat home, if I am lucky to kill one the Antler, I will hang it. All I wanted is filling my freezer, not just killing. I enjoy the outdoors in the Midwest so much. Sometimes, I who and shoot at all and still have a good time.
I go hunting, shoot and bring meat home, if I am lucky to kill one the Antler, I will hang it. All I wanted is filling my freezer, not just killing. I enjoy the outdoors in the Midwest so much. Sometimes, I who and shoot at all and still have a good time.
It was sarcasm friend. I do not care what anyone does as long as they are not wasting meat or out maming game and being unsafe. Enjoy the outdoors and more power to you.
“Hard to shoot a light rifle well”.

You’re either…
1) Admitting that you are lacking in so many areas that you cannot accurately shoot a scoped 4 pound 22 LR
2) Still refusing to acknowledge that you’re recoil tolerance is no where near as high as you claim it is.